

Hi my name is Jared and I've been addicted to porn for about ten years, 5/6 (the last 5/6 with the whole multiple tabs,4 hours constant novelty, exactly like it's described here,I've seen some of Gabe's videos and there are a lot of similarities as it concerns to relationships with girlfriends the attraction/disconection thing and how It gets worse I've been in moderate denial for the past 2 years about my condition but 15 days ago I've decided to move on and erase it completely from my life, almost relapsed today thats why I felt I needed to make an account here and ask for help/advice to avoid even coming close to relapsing,any advice or questions are welcome

Big respect to you for being so brave an honest with yourself, that takes courage.

Welcome to the community and good luck with your reboot! :)


Active Member
Big respect man and congratulations on the 20 days. If you feel like you're going to relapse, come back here first and see if you can write about what you're feeling. Seemed to work for you today, no? :)


the symptoms that I've noticed that are hard to deal with and just tear on you little by little until it starts to become hard to deal with are the anxiety, lack of concentration and memory and sometimes just total lack of comfortability/inability to relax,I think I was a functional addict never affected my ability to be effective in my work and looking back I think I probably used porn as some sort of reward for being effective/productive,I've quit smoking and I can say this might be way harder probably because the impulses from the dopamine reward system are stronger from PMO vs tobacco,I'm planning to restart working out, which is something that I know from experience will help my head a lot besides the healthy looking good aspect,I think working out will definitely help and I think it should be mandatory for everyone because it  affects positively the dopamine system and release endorphins that basically makes you feel good,anyway here I go again square one and I will beat this!


People need to read this:
and the rest is BS, ppl need to start not making excuses, and fix what needs to be fixed, own it and make yourself the person you want to be