Starting my Journey , have some questions..

Hi Everyone

I have done some hours of research on PIED through youtube and other forums, i am excited to try this reboot, as i want to let go of my addiction to porn. I have some questions if anyone can help me in the process of rebooting. It would be greatly appreciated.

My Story

I am a 25 Year old male, I have been masterbating to porn since the age of 13, I would over sometimes masterbate 3 - 4 times a day or at least once a day up until 2 weeks ago. I found when i was in my last relationship last year is when it started to hit me, my erections were weak during sex, or i would cum really fast which i feel is from my faster masterbation during porno videos i would skip to the best scene and just force my self to ejaculate within 1 - 2 minutes. I feel my brain has memorized the routine which makes me cum faster.

So i am a single male now, and i do have occasionally protected hookups, and i feel i have a hard time getting up, and if i am able to get up as soon as i put the condom on it goes back down. Once its inside of her its not to bad, but my dick always feels dead and weak. I no longer have hard erections in the morning like i use to.

I was watching really aggressive porn while masterbating and trying to find stronger and stronger porn while opening 5 videos at a time. I want to stop masterbating and being able to get hard off a real woman again.

MY QUESTIONS, which i could not find online.

1. Now that i am beginning my journey of rebooting, and not watching any porno, am i allowed to have sex if i am half hard? with a woman?

2. If i am texting a girl and she sends me naked photos, is that bad or good? as this is not considered porno videos.

3. Should I be practicing masterbating without any porno but just through Thought & Feeling?

4. Do i need to stop having sex completely for a month? to let my penis heal? and re-wire it self , or is it better to stop masterbating and still try to have sex..

5. Am i ejaculating quickly because i taught my brain how to do it quickly during porno?

6. Can anyone confirm i have PIED, if i am still attracted to Woman, and occasionally it would be hard but not all the time.

Thank you for anyone who can help me as this is something i really want to change.


We have several similarities. Sexual situation is pretty much the same; as soon as I get hard when we're hooking up I have to rush to go straight for intercourse really quick (before it goes soft again) and this comes across as me being too impatient with her. Also, it's pretty shitty how during intercourse i can tell I'm only at 70% hard at best down there. I'm no expert since I'm not healed yet, but here's my 2 cents anyway:

1. Personally, I'm inviting my girl over approximately every 3 weeks or so to test my progress. Can't tell you if this is the best method, because so far it hasn't worked for me haha.

2. I wouldn't mess around with nudes. It stimulates the same area of your brain that got turned on by watching a screen, we need to rewire ourselves to get aroused by physical contact with women.

3. My first time masturbating during my reboot was on day 38 (the night before I knew I was going to try sex again, in order to raise my stamina a little bit). I made sure to only use sexual thoughts of the girls I knew. Everything felt good and I was stoked for her to come over the next day, but alas... no improvement whatsoever. It was very disappointing, and while I'm not sure if jerking it the night before is what caused it, I've decided to avoid all masturbating during the reboot.

4. Similar to question 1? haha

5. No idea, I'd wait and see with that one, but I've heard dudes saying they last way longer in bed after their reboot so that's cool.

6. Sounds like PIED to me. Of course I was still attracted to women when I watched porn, that wasn't the problem. The problem is when we're both naked and I'm trying to please her with a mediocre half-chub. I just remember back when I was at my first middle school dance, and so much as arm to arm contact with a cute girl gave me a raging boner. At the time it sucked but I want that back now.

Let's beat this together man, good luck and lets keep in touch!!


Active Member
Hi man,

I'm 23 years old, and, I have the exact case (had rather).
First of all:  CUT OFF FROM FLIRTING AND HOOKUPS. Become sexless for a period (it's not scary in fact). STOP PORN, STOP FLIRTING, STOP SEXTING, STOP any hedonist sexual behavior. Stop masturbating, stop fantasizing.

1. Now that i am beginning my journey of rebooting, and not watching any porno, am i allowed to have sex if i am half hard? with a woman?
Preferably no. If you wanna an enjoyable and joyful sexual life, just pay the price. Back off for some weeks

2. If i am texting a girl and she sends me naked photos, is that bad or good? as this is not considered porno videos.
It's bad, because your brain has been perverted by porn. All you want is the high that sex gives you. There is no real love, affection, caring, relationship prospect, compatibility and so on. All what matters for you is sex. Back off for a while

3. Should I be practicing masterbating without any porno but just through Thought & Feeling?
Again, preferably no. You're addicted to the high that orgasm gives. I don't think it can be called healthy sexuality. I'm not judging, but it's  just an opinion. I think that sex must be an extension of an authentic love relashipship between two compatible beings.

4. Do i need to stop having sex completely for a month? to let my penis heal? and re-wire it self , or is it better to stop masterbating and still try to have sex..
It's up to you to determine how long you cut off.

5. Am i ejaculating quickly because i taught my brain how to do it quickly during porno?
I had that since my early years of puberty.... do you know what it means?  That means (sorry for the expressions) that there is a big Fucking problem, in both meanings.

6. Can anyone confirm i have PIED, if i am still attracted to Woman, and occasionally it would be hard but not all the time.
You have severe ED that needs to be adressed seriously. If you will continue to seek sex in a hedonist manner, you will relapse frequently.

I posted many suggestions in the forum, that REALLY WORKED FOR ME, AND GAVE ME THE QUICKEST AND BIGGEST PROGRESS. Just search, and, keep moving.

Yes lets fight this together, glad that im not the only one with this issue. Lets fix our problem !, thanks for all the posts to everyone