Does precumming count as a relapse?


So uhm...This is a little weird but uhm...sorry I don't wanna leave anything out so I can get an accurate answer.

I decided to take some nude selfies out of boredom. Got aroused at pictures of my own self and kinda just let the erection happen, knowing I had enough self control to not fap. Anyhoo...There was some unintended precum. Is that a problem? I just got through the first week of my reboot. I hope this wasn't a setback


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't consider precum a 'setback' but taking nude selfies is a brain-cheat for dopamine and that isn't letting your brain rest from sexual activity--which is what it needs. It requires a good long rest from all of that (facebook cruising, cams, chat,, any pixels, tumblr, tinder, grindr, videos, christian mingle, etc: all porn). This page should answer all your questions. Knowledge is power.


Thanks a bunch, guy/gal!

Will be sure to avoid any more "cheating". Hopefully this doesn't affect my week of progress