On my way? Is this as good as it will get?


Guys, I need some feedback. Don't watch porn anymore nor do I have the urge to do so.  I have almost completely cut out the M.  I have a girlfriend now and things are generally going well.  I just don't feel 100% and I'm wondering if that I ever will be.  I can get and keep a decent erection (I do use cialis) but I always still only feel like 85-90%. My sensitivity just isn't that great.  It takes a really long time for me to reach orgasm and probably half the time I can't unless I get myself off.  My girlfriend enjoys the sex I think probably because I can go a long time but for me it's just not great. It's just ok.  I still don't get that super excited feeling.  That woosh of adrenaline.  And it's so frustrating because I don't know if I don't get as excited because my erection isn't 100% or if my erection isn't 100% because I'm not super excited. 
Can anyone relate -  I'm hoping I'm like maybe halfway to full recovery?  Or is this the best I will ever be given my age etc?  My girlfriend is 10 years younger than me 37 and a beautiful blonde with a gorgeous body.  And she really likes me.  I should be out of my mind excited!


Active Member
Maybe I missed it Simbo, but I don't see how long you've been off porn, how long you've been rewiring or rewired to your gf.  So maybe that process is still underway.  Still, a couple of bells are going off for me.  I'm just wondering since you mentioned sensitivity isn't that great if you've had a good checkup with your doctor recently, making sure the nerves and everything are in great working order.  Sometimes there are reasons to look a bit deeper than the normal routine blood tests by checking on your nutrient status.  If all is a-ok there, you mentioned your gf really likes you but you didn't mention if you're head over heels for her.  So if you're not, maybe the "should" part of your paragraph be evaluated as to "whether".  Just a thought.

But congratulations on being out of porn!  That's an awesome achievement. 