Urinalysis results "cloudy" urine

Blood work and urinalysis came back fine, but doctor said the lab noted that my urine is cloudy. Is this because there's semen leakage? Or could this somehow be related to reboot? He said it's nothing to worry about, but he has no idea what caused it.

Chaos Mind

Active Member
Semen leakage is pretty common. It can still occur during the start of your reboot, yes.

I wonder if urologists these days know about porn addiction and side effects of recovery.
Sounds like there may be semen in your urine if it's cloudy. If so, could possibly have something to do with retrograde ejaculation, I may have a similar issue. Have you experienced a 'dry' orgasm recently?
I've never had retrograde ejaculations before. Been having regular ejaculations during intercourse. I just won't worry about it. Thanks, guys!