im new to this, and i have an ED question


New Member
when anyone else was PMOing did they have the problem where there erection would start out at 95-100% and then go 60ish% then right before you ejaculate it would come back full force. or, you would ejaculate with a partial...this is while watching P btw...anyway this is my 3rd attempt at a reboot. i dont think its an organic problem for two reasons 23 and healthy 2. during my reboot attempts my MW and nocturnal wood came back full force. if anyone else has some input or advice it would be greatly appreciated, ive been thinking of installing a blocker on my PC, but i dont know which one works the best.
I sort of remember my erection quickly diminishing when I wasn't continually stimulating it. It's funny how even though I should have been aware that this sort of thing is abnormal, I continued my habitual use of P. Illi, you are in a great position to reboot and do it for the rest of your life. I'm 28 and I wish I figured this shit out as early as you have. I've been trying to quit for a year and I needed to fail a couple times to realize how serious an addiction watching P really is. What I've found is that you need to have a moment where you hit bottom so to speak and you're so disappointed with yourself or your sex life that you have a deep desire to change things. Then you need to reinforce quitting the habit by replacing it with other, more healthy habits. I recommend going to bed early, waking up early, learning a new skill and especially cardio, lifting or sport for natural endorphin release in your brain. It helps with down days, the kind of days that make it easiest to relapse. Will has something to do with it, but healthy living and healthy habits will defeat P cravings when your will fails. I wish you the best brotha, keep at it.