Premature Ejaculation

I recently as in yesterday gave up porn and caffeine.  I was drinking 5 20 ounce cokes day sometimes more. My porn habit was so bad I woke up looking at it, looked at it all throughout the day and went to bed looking at it. Any free time was spent looking at porn. It has affected me in the bedroom. I used to ejaculate on command but in the last year I have been suffering. When my wife and I have sex now, i cum fairly quickly like 2 minutes or less. If she gets into it and goes to moaning or spreading her legs wider I instantly blow and it leaves her hanging. I am so tired of this and need some help. Do any of you think giving these things up will help me?  I also can just be sitting around holding her and when she gets up, I have massive seminal leakage.


Hey man,

Sorry to hear about your premature ejaculation, it must be annoying.
Do you discuss this problem with your wife? Or do you not openly talk about sexual things? It is really a symptom of performance anxiety I think. You want to please her, but you are afraid to cum too quick, which will then happen as you feared- a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is they same with not getting hard for some people.

Talking about your fears and worries will make it easier for you to relax, as it will lower both yours and her expectations about your performance. Being relaxed is key to good sex. Openness is key to being relaxed.

When it comes to the cokes, yes, quit drinking that shit. Sugar seriously affects your testosterone levels. It is poison.
Good luck no watching porn.


Hi ;) I found this link. Might be helpful for you.