Young ones


Staff member
I was over looking at the teen page and most of the posts only have a reply or two and a lot have none.  I don't know if any of the men here are interested, but the young ones could use some encouragement.  Perhaps some of you that have been here awhile could start a thread or post and encourage them to keep journaling.  I am sure that you experience the "no one is replying so no one cares" thing.  These young men have all their relationships ahead of them.  Encouragement now could mean a life time of no porn.  Imaging how that could have changed your life. 

Read through them perhaps there is one that you could mentor.  Please think about it.



Gracie--this is an excellent, and really worthwhile, idea. Your post earlier about "to tell or not to tell" was refreshing and real. Maybe one of the silver linings going through all this personal pain, is to be able to reach out simply and help someone else through theirs. Thank you so much for your simple honesty, from the perspective of "the other side." And appreciate the "love you, hate the porn" reference. Thank you for posting. Curtis