Ted - new member - 2/21/2015


To All,

I've been visiting this site for a few weeks in anticipation of getting started. Truth is, I'm not willing to part with my porn yet. I logged on today to start my routine PMO, but today I was overwhelmed by a feeling of disgust. Like others before it, my current favorite porn site didn't get me aroused. Almost reactively, I jumped over to REBOOT NATION and created an account. I think I'm ready to get started, but I'll need some brotherhood. I invite your comments and feel free to call me out and debunk my BS.

It's important to know about me that growing up I didn't have a dad. I think this is key because I was raised by a single mom. After she died I was raised by guardians. I mention this because I did not have a positive male role model to show me how to be a man or a father. I did have a "Dutch Uncle" of sorts that felt it was necessary to have the "man to Man" talk when I reached puberty. During this talk of birds and bees and biology he essentially let me off the hook and gave me permission to masturbate. He stated it was normal, biologically necessary and ALL guys do it so I shouldn't feel guilty about it. I understand his intention was to give me some relief and hopefully postpone my sexual activity until adulthood. I had no discipline for moderation so what I took from this conversation was "go at it".

The other point you should know is that my spouse is no longer interested in being sexually active with me. We always enjoyed a healthy sex life in our day but gradually over time this faded. During this slow decline I leaned more heavily on porn as a substitute. When real intimacy vanished altogether my consolation prize was more porn. Is my porn use the cause of the decline of activity with my spouse or is the decline in activity with my spouse fueled my PMO? I've used PMO for many purposes.  To sooth me when I'm sad, to celebrate when I'm happy. To entertain me when I'm bored or to provide company when I'm alone. Like most guys I started with magazines and catalogs, then grew to VHS tapes, DVD's and now finally high speed internet.

There is a physical pain in the front of my head when I'm on a binge that doesn't go away when I walk away from my computer. It derails any logical thought or control to stop. I'm drawn back like a moth to a flame even after I swear that I'm done. After a heavy binge I'll be so disgusted with myself I'll swear to never do it again. That commitment only lasts as long as the refractory period, then I'm back at it. This has led to serious problems with delayed ejaculation during real intimacy. Like everyone, I use my computer for work, school, banking, and many other functions, so how can I stop this one single bad behavior with my devices? It's like a bartender being an alcoholic.

I consider myself functional because I do not withdrawal from social interaction; however, I do resist taking on additional responsibility because I know it will take time away from my PMO. I schedule days off from work or decline extended family functions for the purpose of a PMO. If I can create an opportunity to be alone, I do. I've lost entire days and weekends bingeing but when its over I'm able to return to being myself. My PMO leads to procrastination which only puts additional pressure on myself. I am still able to meet obligations but fulfilling those responsibilities are difficult because of the amount of time I waste on PMO.

I still wake up with morning wood and I am aware of erections during the night, so physically I am still functional. It's amazing how much of my masculinity gets wrapped up in and associated with my erections. It's comforting to be semi asleep and realize you've got wood. I take that as good news for my recovery.

I want to be a better man, and a better partner to my spouse. Without their awareness, this has impacted so many people. I'm tired of being a slave to PMO and would love to get back to just normal jacking off. What is a normal amount of frequency for a healthy grown man? I've always agreed with my "Dutch Uncle" that it was normal for men, but to what degree? To achieve one, do I have to give up both? There is a healthy physical and mental benefit to that release, but I've lost that purpose. If I eliminate the porn can I get back to that?

Thanks for reading this post. I'm just getting started on this recovery and it's been 1 day since my last PMO. Your comments and brotherhood are appreciated.



Welcome to the forum.  I'm a new member myself, having only joined up about a week ago.  It's been very helpful and supportive so I hope you find what you need.

The only part I feel qualified to comment on is the frequency of masturbation.  I've been porn free for five days but reset my counter because of masturbation.  I read an article on YourBrainOnPorn.com that frequent masturbation has many negative side effects:


I think everyone has to judge for themselves but for me, it's a non-starter.


Well-Known Member
Hi. Welcome.  You story is very similar to many of us. You seem like a smart guy...maybe just a bit too smart for you own good as it seems to me your addiction has hijacked your whipsmart brain and has developed a lot of strategies to justify and excuse your porn use: absent Dad, u need computer for work, you are well adjusted (except for the weekends when you disappear on a binge) etc. etc.) I'm not trying to be harsh, but you just have to ask yourself if porn is a problem or not--and then if it is, deal with it. From where I sit, it looks like it is a BIG problem for you. You even say so in your post. If you do want to deal with it, BAM, you are exactly where you need to be. Educate yourself. Get a K9 blocker, take the bull by the horns and make some real changes. Masturbation is not necessarily a problem, but porn is. You would do a reboot, eliminate all that porn and pixels crap and then hopefully after some time and brain change, you could get back to a way of life that you find acceptable. Anyway, don't let your addiction outsmart what YOU need. Educate. I'd recommend starting here:


And good luck!


Hi Ted.Thanks for sharing.I am by no means qualified to give advice as I have only gone 1 day without PMO but I agree with t00futca that at least for me mastubation is a no go while I'm on this journey but each to his own.You yourself might be able to just do away with the porn but still fap and become a changed man.I think masturbation is a normal part of growing up but it can definitely get out of control to the point where it isn't so normal anymore.Anyway best of luck.Just reading some of the success stories is reason to stay strong.



emanedur, Phase2 and tOOfutca - I appreciate your candor and honest feedback. It is always received with the brotherhood it is intended.

Thanks for responding. It's been 3 days since my last PMO ad I have not engaged in MO either. I do appreciate your experience and that during this journey of rebooting my brain the abstention from PMO, and regular MO is key to success. I appreciate that honest and direct feedback.  I think that's important because much of my life I have justified jerking off as "just something men do".  Taking comfort in "being normal". AND, let's be honest it's fun and feels good. But, I've allowed that to twist into something that runs my life and is now effecting my relationships is far different than biology. From this point forward it's HANDS OFF and PORN free.

Making some changes:  This would be the time I would lose myself into PMO, instead I'm reading blogs and posting here. It has been very snowy here in the NORTHEAST and yesterday I shoveled my driveway with my family, we came inside and got warm then went to the grocery store together. We had lunch together and did grocery shopping together. This is a change for me because this is the time I would usually isolate, stay home, leave this chore to others, and lose myself for 90 minutes in PMO. It felt awkward to be out of my routine but at the same time feel good to be with my family.

Day 3 without PMO or MO and my motto will be no PMO and absolutely HANDS OFF. Although I do admit that morning wood and being aware of erections while asleep is comforting, but HANDS OFF. My hands do absent mindedly find their way south but as soon as I was aware of what I was doing I stopped. Also, while checking email I received a message from my favorite porn site about some DVD specials and reduced streaming prices. I unsubscribed from future notifications immediately. My porn use has crept into almost ever aspect of my private life. I am just now realizing how much I am covering and hiding. If something tragic were to happen to me, car accident etc.) once my family started going through my personal affects they would discover and be shocked at my double life. I need to change that starting now.

Please feel free to comment and call me out on my bullshit. I am working through trying to determine what is fact and what I have convinced myself of over he years as I justify m perverted behavior.

Thanks for the brotherhood!