Virgin need to reboot?


New Member
I'm still a virgin, I want to reboot.
But this is so much more stressful when your a virgin.  :'(
I will abstain for a day or two but I will be so stressed
out that I end up masturbating like 3 or 4 times in just a couple hours.

I don't have any dysfunctions yet, but I read a lot on reboot your brain page.
And maybe it's linked to my depression.


It sounds like you could work on techniques to help you deal with the stress. Get into things like meditation, go for walks, just in general get outside more and start to see what the real world has to offer you. Get rid of your computer or smart phone, confide in someone about your problem who can and is willing to help.

This thing alternates between getting harder and easier, then harder again and then easier again. Life's stresses seem magnified when dealing with this. But success is rewarding. To get there, it's not as simple as just not watching porn. It's about changing your life to the point where you don't have/want to.

And don't get down on yourself if you relapse. If your best abstinence duration is three days, and then you relapse and make it a week, that is progress. Then next time maybe it's two, then a month, etc. Just focus on getting better.


Active Member
Sounds like your worrying to much to be honest. If you feel that you do not have erectile dysfunction then that's a good point to stop watching porn, and I would advise it as it is unhealthy believe me. I agree with dc6 you should get out and live a little, have some fun and enjoy yourself.


Active Member
Hey I feel you completely.
I'm a virgin and I've gone past a month of celibacy now.
It's possible but it's difficult.
Strange thing is now I don't feel cravings that often.
Maybe you should start your own journal on the forum. You'll get lots of help.