What I've been doing


Active Member
So this is what I've been doing and it seems to be working tremendously. In the past 2 weeks i have noticed huge improvement. I originally posted in the teen section but it could work here too lol

1. I deleted all social media. This keeps me from seeing any erotic picture that would perhaps trigger a relapse or artificially stimulate me.
2. Started a Journal. During the time of a reboot you're going to want to have a constant clear mind. So writing down your thoughts every night really really helps.
3. Cold Showers. Cold showers have a number of health benefits including increasing testosterone/libidio, relieving stress and depression. This is great during a reboot where you might be feeling really low about yourself.
4. Drinking loads of water to stay hydrated. Healthy body will recovery faster that an unhealthy one...thatt being said..
5. Workout. You may have a busy schedule but theres always time to hammer out the pushups,sit-ups and any other bodyweight excerises.
6. Get out of the house. This will keep your mind off a lot especially porn, so going out preoccupies you with other things.
7. Talk to girls. DO NOT isolate yourself. This leads to depression and other horrible shit. Go out and go crazy. Being social is one of the best.
8. Obviously, No PMO. I haven't even had the desire to do these lately, but for those who do feel urges...immediatly drop into pushup position and go till your arms are jelly.
9. Read a book. We live in a high tech high speed society. So calmly reading a book slows down your mind and as I said before this will help a lot.

Again this is what I've been doing and things have been working great. Up until 2 weeks ago when i started this I was in a huge flatline. Now I get occasional morning woods, I can just think about getting a boner and get a 60% chubby and to be thats amazing. Although I still haven't gotten a full rocky hard vein poplin boner yet, I'm sure ones on its way. Good luck to you all and i hope you take some tips!


Well-Known Member
Sounds brilliant bro, so happy for you!

Also, some very good advice there. Noted.

Keep it up, never stop! :)


Active Member
Great work, i will try some of these again myself. I recently tried taking cold showers but a cold Autumn day reminded me of the pleasure of a hot shower and i gave in, totally the opposite of the attitude i want to live by.