Lack of sexual emotion - your thoughts please

Hi all,

I'm 37 years old & my husband 32. We've been married for nearly 1 year next month & we've been together for 3 & 1/2 years. When I met him he was open about his porn use, would make light of it & had a very casual attitude towards it. My previous partners had never been into porn, had watched a bit back in their teens but nothing heavy. My past sexual relationships have been positive & fulfilling.

When I first met my husband I did not really concern myself about his porn use. I'm fairly laid back & not shocked easily. He never watched porn in front of me & appeared to keep porn and our sexual relationship separate. I was very naive about the effect of porn back then but noticed from the very start that something 'wasn't right'.

A few months into our relationship I noticed he was different to the other men I had experienced. He is immensely loving and caring but sexually he appeared 'absent'. There was no emotion at all expressed during sex & as time passed he became less interested in intercourse and more into receiving oral.  He would barely ever touch me & if we did have intercourse it would take him a long time to finish. Often the only way he could finish was to masturbate.

I find the lack of emotion during sex such a strange & difficult thing to deal with. I wonder what is going through his mind and the whole experience makes me feel used & degraded. There's no connection, I feel like I am merely an object & means to an end. I have persisted with this relationship as outside of the bedroom I cannot hope for a more loving & caring person to share my life with.

I ignored these cues & told myself I was to blame. I felt very confused. I was a sexually confident woman when I met him & adventurous. I worked out and kept myself fit. I didnt understand what was happening but felt an overwhelming sense of rejection & increasing sexual frustration.

That epiphanic moment occurred when I saw a documentary about porn addiction a few months ago. My husband exhibited so many of the features. In the last few years he has developed other 'symptoms' which I did not realise we're porn related ; Social anxiety & withdrawing from social situations; lack of energy; desensititised gentals etc. i brought up the subject with him & he rejected the notion. He was very angry and denied the fact that he could be an addict.

Fast forward to now. My husband says he feels 'confused about the problem you (me) think I have'. I decided to educate myself on the subject & have opened tabs to this site & YBOP on his iPad to help him. I want to support him & for us to emerge stronger from the experience but I feel I'm failing and fear our marriage will end. He refuses to talk to me about it & says he's 'handling it'.

I'm not sure if he has started a reboot. We have stopped having sex. He says he doesn't find me sexually appealing right now although he thinks I'm beautiful! This is soul destroying to hear. He got so angry when I brought the subject up a few weeks ago & told me to 'go f&&k other men!'

I don't know what to do anymore. I feel hopeless. My self esteem is rock bottom.  I cannot talk to him as he doesn't want to talk & I have no one to talk to about this for fear of judgement. Do I stand a chance at changing our marriage for the better?


Active Member
Sadly he has to stumble upon this himself as 90% of us men here have.  With some luck he will and, from my own experiences,  it should change that day.  Stay strong as best you can and please share your thoughts here, good luck sister.
Thank you sodonewithit for your reply.  To be acknowledged means so much!

I agree wholeheartedly with you. It rests purely with him.

I hope he finds the strength as you did.


Welcome to the rollercoaster we ave no control over. Your experience so far has so many similarities to mine, and I am still at the stage where he has not admitted porn as a problem. I am only a few weeks on from telling him I hope he has a porn issue so that it's not me being crazy feeling all those things. He did ask me if I had thought about leaving and when I said yes, I don't think he was game to tell me to f#@$ other men. I know how you feel right now having the man you love distructing in front of you, and in the shock wave you are distructing also. My journey here is new and everything you say seems to be in par with all that I have read and followed in my time here. My partner is now going to great lengths not to revisit that conversation, as well as hide his addiction and delete his internet history. It took me ages to think of a ways to bring it up that was confronting but non confrontational. froM advice from others here, I made it more about our connection, our togetherness that makes us a couple  and not just best friends. He is the one who needs to admit this is a problem. Just like you I was once so sexually confident, (probably the only thing I was confident in for a long time in my life) so to feel inadequate makes it not only hard, but makes you not want to do it either in the end, in fear you are not doing it right or good enough. Xx Good luck, you are surrounded with support here And not alone.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me Chickaboomski.

I'm sorry to hear you are on the roller coaster too.

I hope your SO sees the light & you can both start the road to recovery.

I have great empathy for what you are experiencing and sadly no answers. But I'm a great believer in the principle that 'what does not kill us, makes us stronger'.

Your words of support has been of great comfort to me.

Wishing you luck n your journey and hope good things prevail x
Yes I too came into this relationship with my PMO addict with the utmost confidence in my sexuality, adventurous just like you.  Now after 4 1/2 years of being degraded, disrespected, and rejected time and time again I am just a meek, paranoid, unconfident women.  Fortunately he has finally admitted his addiction?it took 4 years and 4 months of HELL, but at least it is happening now.  I really hope it's not too late and we can work on repairing the time lost and the words said.  Only time will tell.  I will keep you posted.  Thank you for your share.  xo