Porn free for 4 yrs plus but still often can't come. Would love feedback pls!


New Member
I was in a commited r'ship for almost 4 years but my partner cheated on me. I think part of the reason was that I had a lower libido and found if difficult to come unless we used taboo scenarios like her been a teenage girl and me being a teacher. I have for many years also been attracted to transsexuals, but don't see myself having a r?ship with one as they are often quite screwed up. I'm now 52 and not v optimistic about my sex life. I have only had one r'ship for about a year where the sex was fun and easy, about 20 years ago. I feel like an extra reboot of sorts might be in order as I've been cruising TS escorts websites and been v tempted to see one and pay for sex. This is something I used do for many years with women when I couldn't get hard with a women who wasn't a prostitute. I don't want to go back to paying for sex. I am a good looking guy and have good confidence in other areas but when it comes to women (or even TG/TS) confidence is low. I am successful too and have a great life in London UK but would really like to share it with someone.


I'm not sure if you are straight or gay, I don't really think that it matters, but either way it doesn't sound like a reboot is a bad idea. The only reason I am asking is bc I am not sure if maybe that is part of the problem?  Not sure which direction you wanna go?  Either way I think you should look into a book, it's called the Tao of Badass.  It's basically a book that teaches you about self confidence/improvement and how to understand body language etc.  I REALLY hope you will listen to this.  Because honestly I'm not sure if you need a reboot or not, but you DEFINITELY need a confidence boost.  And it definitely taught me a lot of things.  I think if you gained confidence talking to them will become less problematic and probably help with your issues.

Hope that's good advice.


I'm wondering if your past porn addiction has anything to do with your attraction to ts?  Lots of straight guys run the gamut of straight sex porn and end up needing ts and/or gay porn to keep the new thrills coming (no pun intended).  Including myself (ts--much to my surprise) , though I've never been attracted to ts in my actual experience, only in the virtual world. 

Whether or not porn plays a role, you might benefit from some counseling regarding the sexual issues you mention.  They might be as much psychological as sexual. I hope you don't take offense at this suggestion.  We all have our issues.  Years ago I recovered from an episode of depression with the help of a wonderful psychologist.

I  think rebooting is an ongoing part of life, with or without an addiction, for people who continually aspire to live authentically and be better human beings.  I'm looking forward to getting back to rebooting in other ways after I kick porn.  I greatly respect your 4 years porn free and your decision not to go back to paying for sex.  Hope you get to where you want to be.