Just keepin on...


This is my first post, I recently joined, and have been reading through posts. I was amazed to see as many people fighting the same fight as me.

I first realized the problem after my fiance discovered P and chat applications on my phone. The applications would be deleted every time after use, but one day, for lack of a better word I got sloppy. She saw the history of an uninstall and was tipped off. Coming clean with her was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

My "addiction" started way back when I was a teenager. As soon as I had access to the internet, I had access to P.  This just got multiplied when I got my first smart phone. I was able to resist the urge for a while, but finally succumbed to it. This was all taking place before I was dating my current fiance. I was able to give it up from time to time, but always strayed back. At one point getting to a point where I sought out a hook up on Craigslist. Once I started dating my fiance, I was able to give everything up. I have not been on Craigslist, I gave up P for a while. I didn't need it. After time though, I started drifting back, as usual. It started as just viewing images and video online. I would PMO and lie about it. I lied heavily about my P usage. I knew how viewing P made my fiance feel, and I never wanted to hurt her, but I kept going back. Then it seemed like videos and images weren't enough, I wanted a little more interaction. This is when I started going to chat rooms and forums seeking attention. At the time I never viewed this as cheating. I wasn't physically meeting people and cheating on my fiance. Now as I look back I can see how wrong I was. I allowed myself to get deeper and deeper into this. Seeking out more and more. It didn't matter who I was talking to, as long as I got my fix.

Everything then came out. I admitted everything to my fiance. Although the admission process had some ripples. It was hard admitting to everything. I would tell some, and leave out other things. Then these details would come out. Here I was, the luckiest man that she didn't leave me. That she decided to stay with me while we worked through everything and I worked on bettering myself. And I still couldn't get everything out to her. It would weigh on my mind everyday. Finally after a few months it all came out. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. But at the same time, all that weight fell onto the shoulders of my fiance.

We have been making strides everyday. I immediately put accountability software on my phone. My fiance can see everything I do on it. I started journaling every day. I started running again. I also started doing a lot of research on the subject of addiction. Doing a lot of reading. It has all been very helpful. I find myself being a far happier person everyday. My fiance and I still have our tough moments. But I am far more comfortable talking with her about everything that I come across.

I have had very few urges since all this happened. This is encouraging, but I am not taking anything for granted. I take each day 1 step at a time. I have now discovered what truly matters in my life. I look forward to coming back here and makin more posts, and offering some assistance when needed as well.


Goodluck in your journey, I just started my Journal too, I hear you on the smartphone, I dont have a smartphone, but i do have a Playstation vita (basically a smartphone with supped up graphics) and it really kicked me into overdrive on my addiction. Im hopefull, I didnt even know there was a support site for something like this untill about 3 weeks ago. everything i've read so far on ybop makes alot of sense to me.  hope to read more of your posts and keep at it!



Great to see you here.

I have created a Facebook self help group for people fighting pmo addiction like us.

the BIGGEST BENEFIT is - through fb we can have constant supply of motivation. Just like Alcohol annonymous group where people keep on posting 24X7 and they keep motivated.

Won't it be wondeful that every time we check our phone and we see a new tip or suggestion on our cell or laptop!!!
FB group will be 24X7 with us.

BIGGEST FLAW about FORUM is we keep forgetting to come back again.

Am not saying you leave this form. But let's have another weapon in our arsenal.

so if you like this proposal please join the group and share your posts with your friends here.

here is the link for FB group:


P.S 1 - it's a secret group. so no privacy is harmed. Still you want to be discreet you can log in with a fake id.

P.S 2 - I created this group today only. So don't think there are no members. Slowly we can build it up. So help me in that also.


Active Member
Welcome to the forums JKIVIN! This is a great place -- I've made some good connections and its fantastic for accountability. I try and visit here at least once a day to check in with people. Through experience I've learnt that I simply cannot do recovery alone. I can only do it with others, in fellowship, as it were. I completely related to your experiences, especially the lying. I've found that getting honest, especially with ourselves, is one of the hardest things. Coming to a place like this, admitting the insanity of one's addiction, and one's powerless over it has been a very important first step for me. Keep coming back! Let's do this together :)


Thanks everyone for the responses. I know that this will be the hardest thing I ever do in my life. I am however very confident in my ability to control my urges. I will not let that become over-confidence. I am aware of my triggers and know that in this world we live in today, it is impossible to avoid everyone of them.

There is one area that I really need help in. I also plan on making a post in the "partners board" I am lucky enough to still have my fiance by my side. We are going through this together. We have our good days and bad days. I understand the consequences of my action, and fully except them. I understand the hurt, and harm that I have caused. I try to be as patient and understanding as I can whenever she has questions, or questions my actions for the day. I know that this will be a very long process, and it is not something that will be or can be fixed overnight. However at times, I find myself getting very frustrated at times. At a time where I can feel so very happy with myself and all the good things I've done during the day, that feeling can disappear when every action gets questioned.

In no way do I feel like I shouldn't be questioned, or that she should never have concerns. I need help in being able to get through EVERY moment in a calm manner and not get frustrated in these moment. Does anyone have any advise?