reboot experince so far


New Member
I was dating this girl who was almost 8 years younger than me and I realized I had a hard time staying hard which was embarrassing to say the least. I thought it was just because every time we had sex we were drunk  and because I am a heavy set guy but I'm pretty sure that is not the case. after my daughters mother and I split up I didn't date or was not sexually active for almost 3 years and I just pmo'd that whole time. I quit PMO almost 2 weeks ago and 7 days ago I made a drastic positive diet change and have been exercising. I'm not really talking to this girl anymore probably because of the awesome sex we were having (Not), but in the last 7 days I have only masturbated with my imagination once. I have not masturbated in almost 4 days now. it's not really that difficult but I can't stop thinking about a pressure build up and I don't want to have a wet dream but its whatever. I have also been exercising along with my diet change. Morning woods come back finally and it seems like they last most of the morning. I think I am in a flat line right now but when I see girls it drives me wild but the only time I get hard right now is in the morning. I hope my drive returns tenfold and I'm throwing backs out again. I hope to see light at the end of the tunnel.


Active Member
Good for you man. I was in a similar situation 2-3 years ago, I dated a girl 7 years younger than me, I was 30 she was 23, and I ran into the same problem... Would always blame the alcohol - had to deal with that for a year before I finally called it off. I'm no expert but I would say try to limit the MO. I Think you might run the risk of deathgrip if you don't and with all the progress you have made so far, you don't want to run the risk of having THAT as your only setback... Shoot I WISH I had a wet dream, haven't had one of those in about 20 years. Keep fighting the good fight and good for you for exercising and dieting. It'll help


New Member
Thanks for the input man. Yeah I havent MO'd in almost 2 weeks. I havent even with straight imagination in about 5 days. probably the longest I have ever went in my life. LOL I have a date this weekend and she has made it very clear to me that she is DTF which sorta makes me nervous. haha yeah I blame the alcohol kinda but I do think its a factor with being desensitized. Me and that girl (who is no longer in the picture anymore) only did when we were drunk and late as hell at night. Im talkin 3-5am. one of the times I even took a sleeping pill prior! ugh. Im hoping if push comes to shove, my stick will work great for me (and the future her) again. I havent even tested it out mainly because I hate arousing myself without finishing it and I dont want my balls to ache.  Im pretty stubborn so im sure im done MO but every once in a while might with my imagination. I hope this helps. I just cant keep thinking what if im going through this torture for nothing? lol I heard not masturbating can boost testosterone too so thats a plus. Cant wait to take it for a test drive! I dont expect my flat line to last very long at all before im back on my mojo. another week or so I hope.


Active Member
Agree with Dave, plus those thoughts are your brain trying to trick you  into getting it's dopamine fix, "oh this is taking too long, this is probably all for nothing". I have had the exact same thoughts but I'm trusting in the process, all the success stories on here can't be BS (I hope)