Letting go...

We carry around with us a huge reservoir of accumulated negative feelings, attitudes, and beliefs... We have become afraid of our inner feelings because they hold such a massive amount of negativity that we fear we would be overwhelmed by it if we were to take a deeper look. Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it... By continuously letting go, it is possible to stay in [a] state of freedom. Feelings come and go, and eventually you realize that you are not your feelings, but that the real "you" is merely witnessing them. You stop identifying with them.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.,
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender