Need advice on recovery


So my background is I became a heavy porn users in my 20s, some porn in my late teens... I'm 37yrs old and trying to recover from PIED and some of the other side effects outlined here and on YBOP.

I've not looked at high speed internet porn since May 1st. However, I still masturbate 4 to 5 times per week and about half of the time i "O" and the other half I edge only then stop... When I masturbate I frequently look at erotic material, not porn per say but erotic stuff like Craig's or Backpage... Again no "P" at all...

My question to the nation is will I recover with this approach? I'm trying not to go cold turkey as the withdrawal symptoms and cravings take a toll on me... Any recommendations, thoughts, or input would be helpful!! Thanks


Active Member
Greetings Hack1234,

Personally I do not believe it is necessary to abstain from MO in order to recover from P addiction. And for myself I choose not to abstain from MO. However PIED is a special case. If getting rid of PIED is important to you, then you will probably have better results if you completely abstain from MO.

Also, erotic stuff like Craig's or Backpage is commonly called "P subs", and MO while watching it is not really that much different from PMO. And so I do not feel happy to give you this news :(, but no, you will not recover from P addiction if you are masturbating to this kind of stimulus.

Best of luck to you my friend! It only gets better from here ;D


Thanks!! I'm taking a stance, no more PMO to any video stimulus... I am also going to try and do a hard reboot, been on and off since May 1st... I guess I need to be more strict and more determined, just dreading the withdrawal symptoms. But I want my life back, I feel like my dopamine addiction has taken away a major part of my life. I just met this amazing girl and I really need to fix myself so I can have a healthy relationship!!



Active Member
Welcome with us, Hack1234,

Yep, totally agree with CrazyGopher on the P-subs point : they definetly deliver similar effects with real P to the brain, so we cannot reach reboot if we don't kick them out of our life. That's very hard, it took me weeks and months to live without these subs but now I feel the difference, that's worth it ! You're determined, you want your life back and you want to face the withdrawal symptoms, so... it seems you're ready ! Don't feel depressed if it's difficult at the beginning, if there are ups and downs, it's normal, and then you will succeed. Good luck.


Thanks Philgood!! Yes I'm going to give it my best!!

I guess my question is that I've been at this for a little while. I've relapsed but also had stretches of time where I was no PMO and no P-subs... So does a relapse set you back to the beginning or does it just set you back? Would like to think my efforts to date aren't wasted, but want your honest take.

Just overall frustrated with my addiction. I get being addicted to crack, alcohol, or even cigarettes everyone knows how addicting that stuff can be. I didn't even realize PMO could be addicting, like others I was shocked when I read through YBOP... Couldn't believe I did this to myself, including PIED which is killing me but also driving me to improve among other positives.