changes in personality?


On Saturday I fooled around with a girl, we did everything but sex because we purely didn't have time. I was about 90% hard which is unusually good for me. (I'm 18yrs old) then next day I was full of confidence which I had been lacking for years I even went up to two random girls and started hitting on them. I have never done that before!! When I got home I though 'I'm cured I am gonna masturbate' so i did but not over porn, over images in my head which I assume is healthier?

The next day my confidence was zero and I was depressed again and couldn't concentrate and everything seemed foggy in my head. Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what your porn/masturbation regiment was like before these recent encounters.
But it's a good question you ask because staying away from the porn wasn't a huge challenge since I can get
a source from my real life and just whack to that. My advice to you is to avoid all masturbation and porn.
If you have opportunities with real women, that's awesome and I certainly encourage that.
You mentioned being level 9 the last time you got some action (maybe not sex, but still) from a female.
Just because you're not getting hard on demand, doesn't mean you are at square one.
As far as mood swings and depression symptoms, I've got news for you;
That comes with the package. I went through some depression and I acted out.
Did and said some things out of character and it's rough for you and loved ones
that are around you a lot. If I actually gave a shit about most of the people I work
with, then I would mention them too since I do spend a lot of time with them.
That's another story but truth be told, try to focus on rebooting and staying
away from all masturbation.


Active Member
Masturbation to fantasy can be just as bad for reboot as porn so definitely stay away from it.  some rebooters M to sensation alone but it takes a while to train the brain not to think of racey images.  Like Viper said try and stay away fro as long as possible, retrain your brain and when you get to the breaking point M to sensation alone!