Day 10 without PORN, Masturbated at day 6, need help!


New Member
So here is the story, my reebot goes pretty well. I don't think about porn, ckicks, asses. And everything about it, i mean i try to not think. But at day 6, man i can tell you that feeling was crazy. I was pumped in the inside by something, and i just musted to get rid of it. I masturbated, and about a minute after that i cumed. But i did not use porn, i didn't fantasied about sex. I just puled my man, and think about nothing, and he cumed. So guys i need a bit of help, I'm at day 10 no PMO, and i will try to not even MO. But i want to quit this for the lifetime. Because to all of you, i can't tell you how stoping just 10 days changed my life! I'm more alive, happy, confident, healthier. This shit is good man. And i will try to make it lake Gabe. This is one thing you all owe to yourself really.