Newcomer - Can't seem to quit completely - Starting fresh


New Member
Hello all,

I started to notice porn-induced ed a few years ago, and it made me really depressed. Then I stumbled upon this site! Over the course of a year or two, I managed to successfully reboot - with plenty or relapses of course. I am now 22 and I have recently started using porn again lately, and I can't seem to quit completely. I am hoping joining this forum and journaling will help. I keep track of how often I use porn and on average I am down to about once per week and the occasional binge. I really want to make the final push and cut it from my life completely. Even while I was rebooting, I would relapse once a month or so. Will keep updating. Good luck to all others. Any tips/comments would be greatly appreciated.

PS - When I did manage to fully reboot the first time, I felt so happy, alive and like a man! Slipping in to watching porn again undermines that feeling, and I want it back!

Day 1.