Recent content by Salman69420

  1. Salman69420

    Finally!!!PIED recovery update.

    I am 24 and i was doing PMO for 8-9 yrs,pretty much everyday or every other day in last 5-6 years on hardcore p..i am recently married and on the first night the curse fell upon me.ED with little to no libido. I thought it was psychological and took viagra and it worked..the next encounter was...
  2. Salman69420

    How to approach PIED when you have a partner?

    I am recently married to a really really amazing woman.I never knew i had PIED untill the marriage took place as i was virgin.i openned up to my wife about it.she is also supportive about it.Now what should be my next step..i stopped watching porn.should i stop trying to have sex with my wife? 