Recent content by slyrack

  1. S

    Best blocker

    I don't think there is an app that can. Otherwise, for what do you want your husband to use Facebook? If it's only for texting purposes you might be able to block Facebook itself, but not the Messenger. You can of course block specific Facebook profiles/sites, if that helps somehow.
  2. S

    Best blocker

    No, that's not possible, but Qustodio (don't know if Remojo does it also) enforces safe search via Google and YouTube. That way it's nearly impossible to search for nude images. Ofc it's still possible to search for porn star images still, but only images with these pornstars wearing clothes...
  3. S

    Help me please. SOS

    I think you have to believe in yourself more and don't think excessively about your fears. A very good advice I can give you is to exercise. It's a very simple advice, I know, but it has huge effects. Once you start exercising for lets say 30 days every second day, you won't recognize yourself...
  4. S

    Best blocker

    I use a combination of Remojo and Qustodio, while I think Remojo is way better. Remojo blocks a lot of sites, but I can't say if it's Remojo or Qustodio that block nude images on Google (which one of them is doing for sure). Adding sites and apps to Remojo is very easy. It's the best intuitive...
  5. S

    Is there a connection between porn addiction and emotional dependency + emotional instability?

    Hey guys, I'm gonna get to the point quick. Whenever I am in a relationship, I'm only focused on the girl. I don't really care about anything else in this time. I do watch porn when I am in a relationship, but not so much. My whole emotions seem to depend on the girl and this is how I lost all...