Recent content by Arthacos

  1. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-26 - Round 5 - Day 04 2 days off. I was filing my Income Tax. ;-;
  2. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-23 - ROUND 05 - DAY 01 Hangover day.
  3. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-22 - ROUND 05 - DAY ZERO I relapsed after an existential crisis. I don't mind about the relapse, it was a relief in my anxiety. 'Tis because everyone has an "iconic" on their personalities. But what's my "iconic"? It's like I'm just a joker with a big mouth and no personality, as...
  4. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-21 - ROUND 04 - DAY 04 Need some rest.
  5. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-20 - ROUND 04 - DAY 03 It's hard to help someone who has an obsession. She's neither sleeping nor eating. I have no choice but leave. Tis just a client but I feel that's not a question about finding her mom. It's about finding acceptance.
  6. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-19 - ROUND 04 - DAY 02 Too many tasks in a single day. I was studying anatomy all day in order to develop my new leg workout routine. It will be perfect for the next 3 months. And I gotta a new client. She was abandoned by her mom in a hospital and there's no log about who is her mom. No...
  7. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-18 - ROUND 04 - DAY 01 It's time to see how I can use the MBTI framework in an unorthodox way. Behavior Sampling From an RPG Game I play Dragon's Dogma. The origin of the nick I'm using, Arthacos. And I was reflecting about how my mind works based on my combat style. So, this is how...
  8. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    End of the day. Back and neck day Neck The first neck workout in years. I'm going to use this routine for my neck: YouTube: Os Melhores Exercícios para o PESCOÇO! / Best NECK Exercises! The first 3: 3 sets of 12 reps with 5kg (11 lbs) each. The last 2 for one minute each. Back Weighted...
  9. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-17 - ROUND 04 - DAY ZERO I relapsed after a midnight anxiety crisis. Total exposition time: 7 min. Long term triggering feelings: environmental problems (noise pollution), family problems, financial problems (performance anxiety) and past losses (from business to belief systems)...
  10. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-16 - ROUND 3 - DAY 06 Rest.
  11. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-15 - ROUND 3 - DAY 05 Rings are op. I'll finally be able to develop my traps with bodyweight. Not a single thought about porn, I was just doing my thing.
  12. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-14 - ROUND 3 - DAY 04 Today I finished a basic 12h anime/manga course and started to read the book Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley: 30 Drawing Lessons from the Creator of Akiko. On the training ground I'm still developing my leg workout program. As I'm using calisthenics with...
  13. Arthacos


    Your current average is 3 days sober for one day of relapse bro. Imagine this on a Day Trading or a cassino basis. As AL Brooks said, one just need 60% of gain to 40% of loss to get very rich in the long run and you have 75%! I'd like to compare porn addiction with gambling addiction. I'm very...
  14. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-13 - ROUND 3 - DAY 03 Biceps and Core Today I tested some new methods and I'm still studying new ABS workout programs. Ring Chin-Ups with extra 10KG (22,04 lbs): 3 sets with 10 reps, 2 sets with 8 reps. Ring Chin-Ups: 1 set with 12 reps. Small game everywhere A flood of small...
  15. Arthacos

    War against cyberdrugs

    2022-04-12 - ROUND 3 - DAY 02 Rest day.