War against cyberdrugs



2022-04-14 - ROUND 3 - DAY 04​

Today I finished a basic 12h anime/manga course and started to read the book Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley: 30 Drawing Lessons from the Creator of Akiko.

On the training ground I'm still developing my leg workout program. As I'm using calisthenics with weights, it's very hard to figure out how to develop my biceps femoris. So, I'll not share my leg routine for a while.

The only overwhelming emotion I can track is that I had to install a porn blocker on my sister's phone. She's just 11 and my mom discovered some bad entries in her browsing history. Ah Shit! Here we go again.

I also had some stimulating dreams. Maybe they have something to do with my feelings of loneliness, maybe they're just consolidating memories since yesterday I had to dig through another client's files and there has been just crap on her hard drive.

I'll not pay so much attention to my career since it's something I'll develop from a way or another. I use Linux and I know how to code since I was 13 when my adoptive father was giving me a very nice education. I remember the worst time in my addiction happened when he was gone. From studies to workouts he was always with me and the loneliness and pain was so great that I became very cold and pragmatic.

Anyway, the holmesian system need "meditation" (when Sherlock Holmes plays the violin, smoke his pipe and daydream about things not related to his cases he's actually meditating, using some sort of recursive algorithm on his brain to await a response), lone time and distraction. This is how we allow our subconscious to create connections that will help us.

It's something really worth to master because we NEED our subconscious at our side. It would be a disaster of our subconscious mind start to work against us, planing relapses and self destructive behaviors.



2022-04-15 - ROUND 3 - DAY 05​

Rings are op. I'll finally be able to develop my traps with bodyweight.

Not a single thought about porn, I was just doing my thing.



2022-04-17 - ROUND 04 - DAY ZERO​

I relapsed after a midnight anxiety crisis.

  • Total exposition time: 7 min.
  • Long term triggering feelings: environmental problems (noise pollution), family problems, financial problems (performance anxiety) and past losses (from business to belief systems). Self triggering circumstances and sensibility to feelings of hopelessness with some movies and musics.
  • Short term triggering feelings: Emotional exhaustion, cumulative psychological damage caused by previous relapses (a feeling that I'll need more energy to overcome my problems than what I can actually produce).
  • Resulting feelings: guilt, shame and acceptance (I can't produce rage anymore).



End of the day.​

Back and neck day​



  • Weighted Pull-ups: 6 sets of 8 reps with extra 10kg (22lbs).


I changed my mind about social networks. I'll use them in order to follow the Positioning Strategy (from the book The Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Enns) and the Laws 5 and 6 from the book 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene (So much depends on reputation—guard it with your life; and Court attention at all cost). I'll also use them to collect phone numbers and emails from useful contacts and potential clients because I know that we are not the owners of our Social Network Contacts/Lists. As I'm using them as tools rather than entertainment platforms I don't fear stimulus. As I mentioned Robert Greene, I had some stimulation today. And I remembered this law:

Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best revenge

Remember: You choose to let things bother you. You can just as easily choose not to notice the irritating offender, to consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest. That is the powerful move.

Desire often creates paradoxical effects: The more you want something, the more you chase after it, the more it eludes you. The more interest you show, the more you repel the object of your desire. This is because your interest is too strong— it makes people awkward, even fearful. Uncontrollable desire makes you seem weak, unworthy, pathetic.

It's not because I cannot have that I'll not like. They're two different things, but the goal is to learn how to disdain. The question is: how? Pursuing other interests I guess.



2022-04-18 - ROUND 04 - DAY 01​

It's time to see how I can use the MBTI framework in an unorthodox way.

Behavior Sampling From an RPG Game​

I play Dragon's Dogma. The origin of the nick I'm using, Arthacos. And I was reflecting about how my mind works based on my combat style.

So, this is how my Natural Inclinations affect my Pawns: Boring foes first (Challenger, First Inclination or "Who?"), paying attention to health and stamina (Medicant, Second or "How?") in order to have a clean battle against the strong foes (Scather, Third or "Else?").

Then, I have my Opposite Role in combat: Loot (Acquisitor), exploiting enemy weaknesses (Utilitarian) and finally, leaving no one to tell history (Mitigator).

And my unconscious relationship with my AI partners: I need them close to me (Guardian), helping each other (Nexus). Sending them away to explore alone (Pioneer) is the last thing I want.

Cognitive Battlegrounds​

I was doing a complex thinking so I'll provide some minimal context in order to give you some idea about what I'm talking about.

The Battleground of Titans is between the biggest forces in the psyche — the apex of the Ego and Superego. The battle is over which Titan will have more influence in the psyche.

The Superego is in direct competition and challenge to your Ego and its strengths. The Superego and Reflector Functions represent the “other way of doing things.”

Quotes From the Article: The Cognitive Battlegrounds With Chris Taylor.

As My MBTI is the ENTP, my Battleground of Titans is between ENTP conscious and ESFP "demon".

My developed logical personality Vs. the thief I was when I was teenager (or the porn addicted I hide from society). The hacker Vs. the artist in me. My Natural Inclinations Vs. my Opposite Role in combat.

Now... What's the role of my ISFJ subconscious?​

This video can be useful to understand the four sides of an ENTP's mind:
Who Are The ENTPs (The Rogue)? | ENTP Cognitive Functions | CS Joseph

He's in the Battleground of Inhibition. The inferior functions are triggered in moments of intense pain. So, he's responsible to trigger my anxieties. And this is how my ESFP superego takes place.
It's the response. When my Intellectual ENTP fails me, my wild ESFP side (that is underdeveloped as I'm not this archetype) will rule in his place in order to protect my ISFJ subconscious. And the INTJ nemesis will make the plans, the methods, the timing, the strong will, the every process before any relapse I was able to track. It's the result of these both Inhibition reflectors.


Maybe my unconscious relationship with my AI partners reflects what my ISFJ mind expects from people around me. This can be the key to understand and track the every possible unidentified trigger I can have. I can track some relapses when someone close to me was away and in danger (my little sister visiting her father in a Brazilian Favela, the Hell on Earth). Another one when they're in other harmful situations.

All my addiction started when my abusive uncle started making my grandma suffering (and his abuses persist until this day). I guess my subconscious waits for a generalized revenge (or justice). When I lost my Faith, the hope in the justice of God was also gone. Everyone is going to have the same destiny and as an Atheist, this is the most painful belief (because it's impossible to test if there's or there's not justice about death) I had to accept. The scientific method can't help me.

In Truth, I'll never find anything, any feeling or anything else in me. What my memories are telling me is not about my own suffering. It's about the suffering of the weak ones around me. I'm very tolerant about my suffering but very aggressive against cowards. Because I'm strong, they hit the weak, especially the weak I love because this is the only way they can hit me.

my inner "Paladin" can't trust in my personality to deal with the suffering of the weak around me. Because I fake that I don't care. But I do care. And because I'm being repressive, he's calling reinforcement. He thinks that my bandit, crazy and wild side can do more justice than my sober, technical and intellectual side.



2022-04-19 - ROUND 04 - DAY 02​

Too many tasks in a single day. I was studying anatomy all day in order to develop my new leg workout routine. It will be perfect for the next 3 months. And I gotta a new client. She was abandoned by her mom in a hospital and there's no log about who is her mom. No names, pictures, just misinformation. The goal? To find her biological family.

I'm going to use all the buffalo. I need to draw her face in different angles, ages, haircuts. To change her skin-tone from black to white in order to learn how to recognize the patterns of her possible family. It will be the most challenging female character design task of my life.
Glad I can use all of my useless talents for someone's sake. With the correct clues, the pseudo forensic facial reconstruction will give me some Pictures.

I'll need my "sexual" energy in order to use my artistic talents. They don't work when I'm chasing. This will keep me away from bad things for a while. My rule is to focus on my client subjects above all things. The reaming time I'll use to my workouts because I see a healthy body as a recipient for my brain.

Don't worry If I change to weekly journals, I'll be fine.



2022-04-20 - ROUND 04 - DAY 03​

It's hard to help someone who has an obsession. She's neither sleeping nor eating. I have no choice but leave. Tis just a client but I feel that's not a question about finding her mom. It's about finding acceptance.



2022-04-22 - ROUND 05 - DAY ZERO​

I relapsed after an existential crisis. I don't mind about the relapse, it was a relief in my anxiety. 'Tis because everyone has an "iconic" on their personalities. But what's my "iconic"?

It's like I'm just a joker with a big mouth and no personality, as someone who don't even exist. No purpose, superficial goals. I know I'm a perceiver and when I'm bored, it's easy to relapse. Jung says that's because extraverted intuitives (xNxP types in MBTI) in general need future possibilities. The "simple life" term is a nightmare.

The Introverted Sensitives (xSxJs types in MBTI) are the opposite. They need a predictable life. Go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, sons, grandsons and die. 'Tis not possible to my own archetype, to my own brain architecture, to live this way.