Recent content by AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

  1. AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

    trying 2 quit! journal.

    so, today is day 0. i masturbated early in the morning and then worked on digital science. to my suprise it was about porn. there was a question where i needed to watch a video. in that video i learned that porn is actually really bd. ever since porn doesn't make me happy on the long term, i...
  2. AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

    26 Yr. old, ED,PE...

    basically everywhere i see is like: i stopped and got a girlfriend. i'm sorry for you that you have these problems, but i do not wish to have another relapse, at the moment i'm trying to quit BEFORE i get like erectional disfunction. good job that you stopped!
  3. AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

    Take the Challenge

    my man, this is a damn good text i'm not going to lie! a small no, i'll do that. thank you!
  4. AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

    Once again I fall back to virtual intimacy

    damn i'm sorry for you. have you tried meditation? i've heard that meditation works really well. only i found a other meditation which is writing in calligraphy. it's peaceefull for the mind and i felt so focused.
  5. AGuyWhoWantsANewStart

    trying 2 quit! journal.

    hello, i wish to keep my name private but my group of online friends call me Doggo as my username is (but not here so i wouldn't be identified when i'm gaming) dog-related. who am i? meet me, Doggo, i'm a almost 15 year old boy from the Netherlands. don't worry: i grew up with 2 languages so no...