Recent content by Simler

  1. S

    Day 2

    Hello! Day 2. Going on and trying to have occupied my mind. It’s weird because I didn’t had time to watch porn, but sometime the question comes to my mind, however it just stays there and don’t go to the action. Let’s go this! Let’s find strength! Let’s think big and focus on the good that...
  2. S

    Day 1?

    Thank´s for the answer and the support! It´s good to feel that someone is with us!
  3. S

    Day 1?

    Hello! Yesterday was a difficult day. Watched some videos… but I made it: I didn’t masturbate. It was weird, I stoped and said “I’m not going to do this! I’m going to stop it!” It was so stupid because I really knew what I was doing to myself, how much pain I’m giving me, how much time I’m...
  4. S

    Primeiro depoimento

    Bom dia a todos! Estou há muito a travar a mesma luta… já consegui estar algumas semanas sem cair, mas depois volto ao mesmo…