Recent content by NewBee

  1. N

    Video with advice on how to get through the weekends without relapsing

    Does anybody know where to find the video with advice on how to avoid relapse over the weekend (my Achilles heel)?  I saw it about a week ago, either here, on YBOP, or one of the other resources.  But, I can't seem to find it now.  I feel like I need it BAD this weekend! If anyone knows where I...
  2. N

    Never too late!

    This my first post on the forum.  It is extremely looooonnnnggg!!!  Sorry.  I have a LOT on my mind.  I am definitely an addict, and I want desperately to finally quit, for real.  Some folks, after reading this post might thing - Why bother? - But, I want a porn-free life for the same reasons...