Recent content by ulaozin

  1. U

    A little Christmas encouragment

    Hello People, I just want to tell everybody that this community is the best thing that happened to me this year. If I had not found you and YBOP I would still be in a very dark situation. I feel proud of you and of myself. I still have a long road to recovery, but I can feel hope and happiness...
  2. U

    I'm married. I need advice from married people struggling with porn.

    Hello, I'm married. We live together for 4 years, but we dated for about 12 years. I'm 30, my wife is the only partner I had in my life. I really need advice about sex with my wife during the reboot process from people who have a long term relationship.  I have a journal here...
  3. U

    Ulaozin Journal: First reboot

    Hello everyone, First of all, I'm not a native english speaker. Sorry for any mispelling. First diary, not first attempt to reboot, (i think it's the 3rd, I don't know, I was not counting properly with lots of relapses, I wasn't sure I could pass the first week ). But now it's definitly the...