Recent content by henrychinaski

  1. H


    My name is Matt. Not Henry. I don't know why I feel that's important. It's not I guess. I am stuck in an endless cycle of relapses and I'm beginning to wonder what the fucking point of trying is. I had a nice long pornfree period of 87 days before I relapsed briefly. I then began another of...
  2. H

    78 days and real progress with DE

    Hello all, I recently started dating a girl that I had broken up with before I stopped porn. The first time we dated I never really felt comfortable. The sex wasn't even remotely enjoyable, I felt next to nothing, and over time that became humiliating for me. Probably for her too. So I broke...
  3. H

    51 (!) day update

    Hey all, I would say that for the last week or so, I've been struggling with some pretty insane urges. I've looked at some SFW non-porn images and gone out of the way to do it, and I know that's related to porn addiction. I think my mind is telling me to go all the way. It's been pretty...
  4. H

    DE sufferer

    I have never suffered from ED. I just can't orgasm. There seems to be a lot more lit on ED than DE, and I'm just curious how I can test my progress with a girl. I'm committed to no PMO at all and no stimulation at all for 30 days. Sort of anxious about what happens after that.
  5. H

    I wanted to encourage ya'll with some of my progress

    Eleven days. Almost two weeks! I'm an avid reader. I have ambitions about being a paid, full-time writer. Porn killed my concentration. Killed my drive. Killed my ability to follow through on my ambitions. Just killed all of it. I started and stopped the same damn Ernest Hemingway novel...
  6. H

    Don't have much to add, but

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone who is involved in this forum. I've been keeping a journal. I'm a writer. I'd encourage everyone to do the same thing.
  7. H

    Question for those reading

    I'm 30 years old and have been addiction for undetermined period of time, but conservatively, twelve years. I am nine days into reboot. I've started a journal and doing some home workouts. I'm getting my bike fixed up to. Had a busy off day today. I took pains to ensure it. I had friends...
  8. H

    I am scared

    Hello. Just joined and I'm seven days in! I'm proud of that. Got a little one next to my name on /r/pornfree and everything. But I'm frightened anyway. Not because I want to watch porn. I am so done with that. Gabe's video on youtube, plus reading about porn addiction  and watching a Ted Talk...