Recent content by johnny12345

  1. J

    The Crusade Against Porn

    This must end. I won't bore you with my long story, there's too much spiel and I must've already posted it many different times on this forum and on others. In short, I've just turned 22, have very mild PIED, I think it's more a combination of sex anxiety (due to rubbish experiences in the past)...
  2. J

    Gone Troppo

    Well here we go again. Another post, another promise, another fresh start. I realise that continuous posting, and a heavy reliance on counters is simply not good for one's mental health. Doing it gives you such a black and white approach to quitting porn and masturbating, when the reality is...
  3. J

    All Things Must Pass

    Well here we go again. Another post, another promise, another fresh start. I realise that continuous posting, and a heavy reliance on counters is simply not good for one's mental health. Doing it gives you such a black and white approach to quitting porn and masturbating, when the reality is...
  4. J

    Escape from Porntopia

    Well here we go. The beginning of an epic journey.... Firstly before I start this monumental task I thank you in advance for reading my journal. I'm a 21 year old UK student, and I'm not even sure if what I've got is purely porn related, methinks there may be anxiety in there somewhere. Weirdly...
  5. J

    22 days in and Relapsed...

    Managed 22 days. Relapsed 5 minutes ago. Feel like utteR shite. How can I be positive about this? Is my last 22  days out the window? What should I do, I feel so depRessed.