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  1. Law

    16 years of porn addiction and difficult penis injury

    5 days streak is good man, keep it up! Maybe try to plan something fun and exciting for the weekend? To have something to look forward to, and not just let your mind "wander aimlessly in the present". I know that can be a trigger, at least for me.
  2. Law

    Overcoming a crippling porn addiction

    Day 2: As foreseen, those first days are the easy part so it's going well so far. 0 urges. It's also because I am abroad, in a different context. I dont have any of my usual triggers, such as being bored/anxious, alone in my room with my computer. Journal entries will surely get spicier by the...
  3. Law

    16 years of porn addiction and difficult penis injury

    Hey man, just stumbled upon your journal. Touching story, I'm sorry that you had to experience the damage of the penis pump, that sucks. It's also a shame because I feel like guys actually care more about their own dick size than girls. I'm not an expert with my very limited experience, but I...
  4. Law

    Overcoming a crippling porn addiction

    Day 0: Did PMO in the afternoon, because I'm going for a business trip for the whole week tomorrow morning. That's not really a valid excuse, I know. There is no such thing as a valid excuse for this. At least I will be very busy this week with the trip, so this is good. I might not post...
  5. Law

    Overcoming a crippling porn addiction

    Hi everyone! I have been lurking around this website for some weeks now, and finally decided to start a journal. I started watching porn pretty late, for a porn addict standards. Around 15 yo. But I got completely fascitaned and swallowed by it, always digging deeper into harder and weirder...
  6. Law

    I am taking control of myself

    Welcome @Jochen999 ! I would say that being bedridden for a few days is actually quite dangerous, as boredom and idleness are one of my triggers to fall back into PMO. But I am glad if this is not the case for you 😁 I wish all the best in this adventure we are all sharing at this point...
  7. Law

    24M - Taking Control of My Life - Starting 12/29/2022

    Hey man, hope you are doing good. And from what you wrote, you seem to be in a good mental state right now, so keep it up! (sorry English isn't my native language) I'm failry new here too, haven't even started a journal yet. But I got really touched by your story. You genuily seem like a good...