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  1. B

    How Long to Recover From ED?

    Question, How long has it taken you all to be able to get spontaneous erections and nocturnal emissions again? I have been PMO free for nearly a year with one brief relapse over a month ago. But since my year of no PMO my erections have not gotten any better. I have not stopped masturbating...
  2. B

    Starting a New Recovery Journal

    I am starting a new recovery journal that I will update nightly. Today will be day one. I will update you all about this new journal tonight.
  3. B

    My Recovery Journal

    Sorry if I am not using this forum correctly. But I plan on turning this post into my 30 day no masturbation journal. I have struggled no masturbating for multiple days in a row, and it has been slowing my recovery. I simply plan to update this every night to inform you all how I am doing...