Your first time attempting sexual stuff after a reboot to cure ED?


Active Member
This might be more for those who rebooted whilst single, but I was curious as to how people have felt when going into a sexual situation when they have rebooted after previously suffering from ED. Are we talking major anxiety? Constant checking that yep - it's still hard? Or did it just work without it even being a thought? Did you tell your partner before hand? Did you go for full sex or just a hand/blow job?

I'm sure we all like reading a success story, so let's hear some! But fails are useful to hear as well I suppose!


Active Member
Hi mate,

For me I was just starting to be interested in hanging around with girls. When I did, basically the first girl showed she was interested. Although I wasn't up for having sex we just started kissing and we went from one thing to the next. Of course there were moments where I would wonder if everything was still working, but to be honest everything felt quite natural and I just did what happened in the moment.

Two weeks later the same thing happened with another girl. THis time I was taking the lead more. It felt slightly more fragile but it still worked and the sex was pretty good.

One week later I had sex with the second girl again and I missarably failed. I still don't know what happened and what made the difference. It might have been the activation of pathways I felt when we did some (non-sexual) texting. It might just have been too much after 6 months hardmode. I don't know. Despite my failure I did have small spikes of libido during the night and morning during which I had two orgasms. That was probably too much

This last encouter was about a week ago and now I am in a terrible flatline with everything I felt during the early days of my reboot. More guys report this phenomenom when they introduce O's back into their lives and it might take up to 3 weeks to get out of the flatline again. I guess that is what I am hoping for right now.

I would say: start dating and have fun. Without any expectations of having sex. You will probably find out that the girl is deciding what's next anyways so don't worry ;-) And if it happens it happens. Make sure it comes natural to you. If not, just wait a little longer. And yes that is dissapointing, but there is nothing else you can do