The Stopping Starts Again


After two days of getting at least some yard work done (there was a rather heavy procrastination storm that affected our family this past week), I am going running. There will be great company. There will be nachos and beers afterward. There is sure to be immodest running apparel choices. I shall have to make the best of all.


Yesterday was a bit tedious. My plan for a morning bike ride was knocked for a loop by a wonky Internet connection; one that had been "fixed" by a service rep just two days prior. After a calm, diplomatic escalation through the various floors of my provider's call centre, I managed to express my concerns to an account rep, who miraculously moved my service call from "sometime before 6 tonight" to right fucking now (didn't use those words, but I was thinking them).

By noon, I had Internet. I had satisfaction. I had a reimbursement for missed days of service.

I had time to do some of the work that I'd missed without my connection, but quickly got sidetracked by all the shiny, colourful thinks the inter webs offer up. By 3, I gave up, got my gear on, and went for a run in the sticky, wet humidity. It wasn't pretty, but it got my blood moving. I did 1/2 hour of mobility exercises to hone my running infrastructure, and assembled a fine dinner for my wife.

The evening ended with a Habs victory.

All in all, not a bad day's work


Ran an 8k race yesterday. There were probably dozens of barely-dressed, attractive young females surrounding me for the entire event, but I was unable to give them any of my attention. It was focused only on getting my battered old body around the course in a decent amount of time, without causing any more injuries.

My time was about 4 minutes quicker than I'd predicted (based on my current fitness, a slight injury, and my complete lack of planning for the race), and I finished close to my usual placing in the field. It was a day worth celebrating, which I did, with a few beers downed on a patio with my running friends.

Lately, I've found it much easier to manage my PMO habit, but not thinking about my PMO habit. The more time I spend on quality pursuits, the less I have for that which tears me down. Maybe that's a takeaway for all of us; determining that we want PMO removed from our lives is only one step towards a greater goal.

As I see P changing from "that thing I don't want to do," to "that thing I used to do," its influence slowly wanes.


Staff member
sonofJack said:
Ran an 8k race yesterday. There were probably dozens of barely-dressed, attractive young females surrounding me for the entire event, but I was unable to give them any of my attention. It was focused only on getting my battered old body around the course in a decent amount of time, without causing any more injuries.

My time was about 4 minutes quicker than I'd predicted (based on my current fitness, a slight injury, and my complete lack of planning for the race), and I finished close to my usual placing in the field. It was a day worth celebrating, which I did, with a few beers downed on a patio with my running friends.

Lately, I've found it much easier to manage my PMO habit, but not thinking about my PMO habit. The more time I spend on quality pursuits, the less I have for that which tears me down. Maybe that's a takeaway for all of us; determining that we want PMO removed from our lives is only one step towards a greater goal.

As I see P changing from "that thing I don't want to do," to "that thing I used to do," its influence slowly wanes.

That's a great feeling, isn't it?


That bitter winter, and cold wet spring have finally yielded to sunny, warm conditions here in the Great White North. This has, unfortunately, put me about two weeks behind with our vegetable gardens.

Monday, when it looked as though we'd finally get to the nursery to buy our seedlings, my wife's family did what it does best: invents an opportunity to scuttle any and all plans. My wife had to go along with their family event, while I took my sister to the nursery and bought the necessary items for this year's crop.

Here's where things can get bad in our family; that time when one chore is sort of completed, with no plans for how to actually finish the job. So today, rather than tripping over the bedding plants, I attacked all the gardens head-on, tilling, planning, and adding compost. By lunchtime, the first set of seeds was all in, along with all but a few of the seedlings. It feels so good to have this in the ground, even if it only saves four or five days; I just cannot abide with unfinished business, especially when it is so easily finishable.

I know this burst of energy, will result in my going about the house and finding more loose ends that need dealing with. These are the good times; the days that end accomplishment.


Active Member
Way to go sonofJack!

I still have several veggie and flower beds to get ready... way behind. And an indoor greenhouse full of tomatoe seedlings!



I'm in one of those periods where PMO seems nothing more than someone else's problem. No urges. No weak moments. No reaction to the occasional image popping up on the Internet, or to the endless parade of loveliness on display in our fair city at this time of year. It is as though my worries about possibly being addicted to pornography are foolish, and overstated.

Of course, I am very leery of this mental state; experience has shown me how easy it is to slip back to old habits. This is the time for me to be extra diligent. No distraction is too small, no trigger has been magically neutralized forever. Case in point: today, a good friend of mine posted a self portrait on Facebook today. It was certainly not pornographic, yet the picture was very provocative (I'm certain FB will suggest that she pull it down). This is a woman who lost her husband tragically a few years back, and who has struggled with self esteem issues most of her life. She is one of those very attractive people who goes just a step too far at times to get affirmation. My first impulse was to linger over the picture, but I scrolled past it instead. I cannot help her get what she's looking for right now, and in her current emotional state, she certainly cannot be of any help to me.

This is the time for me to be diligent, but this is also a time for me to disallow myself from obsessing over what I should not do. My goal is to evolve into a state where I'm more apt than not to default into good behaviour, rather than bad.

I feel much closer to that goal.

But I'm not there yet. There's still a lot of work to be done.


Staff member
It sounds like a good way to look at the situation. You can't help here in this and she can't help you.


Post script: on the bus home from my run workout this evening, a girl got on wearing those incredibly short shorts that are the rage now. "She's probably younger than my daughter" was the first thought that went through my head. She did not get a second look from me. She's probably the same age as the majority of the young women who get sucked in to the pornography industry. The incident has left me rather sad for her; does she know how creepy old men are viewing her? I'm sure if she did, she would not be comfortable.

But, she appeared to be old enough to make choices regarding how she presents herself to the world. I hope she finds what she's looking for.



Staff member
sonofJack said:
Post script: on the bus home from my run workout this evening, a girl got on wearing those incredibly short shorts that are the rage now. "She's probably younger than my daughter" was the first thought that went through my head. She did not get a second look from me. She's probably the same age as the majority of the young women who get sucked in to the pornography industry. The incident has left me rather sad for her; does she know how creepy old men are viewing her? I'm sure if she did, she would not be comfortable.

But, she appeared to be old enough to make choices regarding how she presents herself to the world. I hope she finds what she's looking for.
I still maintain that, in at least some cases, what we may perceive as provocative dress is innocent. As I write this I am wearing very short pants and, were I a woman, I could easily be taken as provocative, but it's not. It's simply the way I feel the most comfortable. I like my legs exposed and I hate the longer-cut shorts that are fashionable these days. Had I the physique of a young man I'd probably wear swimwear most of the time. It's not about trying to provoke any response, it's about my personal comfort.

Now, I fully realize that there are plenty of women out there that dress to attract attention, but that doesn't mean that every woman showing some skin is looking for a quick fling.


I agree LTE that a person has the right to dress however he/she feels. Whether it's to be comfortable, or to make some kind of statement, that decision is theirs alone. Our P-driven media though, renders the motivation for those decisions moot, as many in our species draw their own conclusions as to the intent.

A female colleague of mine was severely reprimanded for starting a discussion with one of her young female business students. The young woman had come to class wearing jeans, an open sport coat, and by what the teacher could see, nothing else. It is difficult to imagine that she was not either seeking attention, or to disrupt the class in some way. However, the student complained to the associate dean that she was being sexually harassed by her teacher, and the administration agreed.

After the reprimand, my colleague asked her boss what she would be expected to do if the student were to arrive naked at the next class. The associate dean told her that she needs to stop meddling, and allow the students to police themselves. My colleague then asked if it would be deemed inappropriate for her to teach a class fully undressed. His response was "of course it would. The school has standards to uphold."

It is a very interesting moral dilemma; where is that line that defines what is socially acceptable, from what is potentially disruptive? I for one, do not feel equipped to answer that.


Staff member
Congrats in a big, round number, SOJ. :)

Bummer about your colleague. That's very unfair.


My wife is having one of those bad stretches at work; we all go through the same kind of thing from time to time. She is not of a personality type that can talk herself out of anxiety though, so this is where I step in to help her cope. Our many years together has made me wise, as I have learned not to diminish the importance of her woes (that is just insulting), but years of management, advertising, and communications study have equipped me with the tools to help her negotiate through these corporate wrinkles.

The process does wear me down a bit though. Yesterday, that was compounded by a conversation with my sister, who tends to over talk just about any subject, which in turn leads her to escalate to the higher levels of whatever emotion she's feeling. What was meant as a quick call to set up a lunch date with her, Mom, and me, morphed into 20 minutes of her freaking herself out over minutia that is beyond her control.

Perhaps the two events were horribly mistimed, as I am a bit prepossessed with the new work opportunities that I've thrown my name in for. Whatever the reason, the insignificant incident that ended the night (30 annoying minutes trying to get our normally reliable Apple TV to function properly, followed by our Pay Per View selection refusing to play past the 13 minute point) sent me to bed in a weird state of mind.

At first, I drifted quickly off to sleep. The night breeze coming in our window was cool and dry, and the neighbourhood was relatively silent. But I woke up less than an hour later, fully alert. I started with my usual series of boring mind games: working out the math that will decide my split times in an upcoming race, imagining questions that could be asked of me in my potential upcoming interviews, and some deep thinking about my own little work situation. This went on for an hour; much longer than what usually transpires.

Then, for reasons known only to my body, I felt the unmistakable presence of having a full-on erection. This in turn sent my thought processes on a complete 180, thinking about the lack of conjugal bliss in our marriage, where I am in my rebooting, and before I could stop it from entering my head, how I used to M myself back to sleepy time.

That's the precise point where I sat up, got out of bed and looked out the window. The sky was crystal clear, with the stars of Scorpius blazing down, even on our suburban location. I forced myself to get back on track, knowing that any thought of a "little vacation" was a one-way ticket back to PMO. It took only 5 minutes of focusing on where I am to pull me back together. I crawled back into the bed, and drifted back to sleep.

This morning, I was greeted with another visit from Mr. Happy. My first impulse was to check it, just to see if... 

There is no good reason for that, so I thought of the only thing that I know works when I get like this: "no!"

It's not that I don't want to M. If it ended there, I might not rule it out. But I've seen this movie before, and the ending is always the same. It starts with me taking on a bit more emotional cargo than I'm capable of handling. Then there has to be an element of frustration mixed in. Finally, I'm overly tired, overstimulated, and not at all at my best. Bad decisions can happen when I am like that.

I am bearing down on the work I need to complete here at home today. I am ignoring the random impulses to, well you know what, and with every passing minute, I am feeling stronger in my resolve to not allow previous bad behaviour back in my life.


Staff member
You dealt with it very effectively, SOJ.

It's been my observation that one huge factor in success is in realizing that we have to continue the process of recovery no matter what the circumstances. There are always external pressures trying to push us back inside our private hell and we must resist those. Recovering when the sun is shining and the birds are singing is relatively easy but life never stays like that forever and we have to stay in recovery no matter what else happens.

It hasn't always been easy, but since beginning the recovery process I have lost a family member to death, lost a personal friend to death and lost an esteemed co-worker to death. I've had relationship issues and I was seriously injured requiring extensive treatment by several medical specialties. I've never mentioned these events in my journal, either here or at YBR, because I want to preserve a degree of anonymity, but these were all things that have happened in the last 530 days. My point is that no matter what, giving in would do nothing to resolve these matters and NOT giving in served only to help me in dealing with them because I had the knowledge that I was remaining strong.


Well stated LTE; self medication of any kind does nothing to help the situation, but over time can add more pathology to the mix. I'm sorry to hear about your losses, and agree totally with how you've handled their effects on you.

Life is never easy. If it was, it would be soooo boring.


My special work project is now 99.95% complete. I have only one small element to add before I can say that the job is truly done. Of course even then I will continue to tweak it, and I'll never be completely satisfied.

Those are good things; they expose my need to be part of an evolution.

Today was not difficult. Rather than having urges, I'd describe my frame of mind more as being keenly aware of some past compulsions. That history does not get wiped out, and I know the importance of my having the ability to deal with it; all of it! The more I can dig up old memories, good and bad, to think about why they happened, and to what effect, the better equipped I'll be to read myself, and the better overall I'll be to those around me.

It's Friday. I'm going for a little run, chilling a few beers, and then spending some quality time with my wife.


I just realized that my counter on here is off. It shows that I have been PMO-free since January 19th, and that statement is accurate. I know that I have masturbated four times since then. I can admit to seeing pornographic images too, and not just the accidental kind, but the ones that appear through my manipulation of the computer. Also, I have looked at, and been aroused by, the cover of Entertainment Weekly, a workout video sent by a friend, that same friend showing me her new, and rather revealing running tights, and one of my wife's old Photo magazines, that was left open to a rather provocative photo of a young lady.

There have been four ejaculations, all brought on by M.

I fantasized three times; all were NSFW.

The jerk-chat site that used to waste hours of my life has been visited five times.

There, full disclosure.

There has been M. There has been MO. There has even been a bit of P.

I have not PMO'd.

In fact, I was rather pleased to note that when I dipped into the chat and P crap, my body did not respond with an erection. Nothing. Nada. My mind was still easily swayed, but my body is now clearly not all that interested in artificial stimulation. The last little P incident was more like nostalgically flipping through an old yearbook; it was neither exciting, nor sexual, just a little mind-trip down memory lane. The physical connection to pornography appears to be, if not dead, at least in an irreversible coma.

It has been one year, plus one day since I began this quest to rewire my brain. I've slipped, I've fallen, but I've not stayed down. That last PMO binge spanned three days in January, ending in frustrated flaccidity on the 18th. However, my counter only gives me credit for sorting myself out on the 19th.

I will leave it as is; a reminder that this is all about doing without PMO for one more day.


We ran today.
We ran in stifling heat, with a humidex that was in the Africa-Hot range.

I am not back in shape yet, all these months after my knee injury, but it's difficult to pass on running by our beautiful lake with good friends on a quiet Sunday morning, so I ran. In my mad dash out the house this morning, I neglected to strap on my Garmin watch; the one that records distance, pace, time, mood, no that last one is a lie, but it does keep track of the vital stats I need to know where I'm at.

So, I ran temporally naked, with only my friends' watches to record it all. The first leg went as usual: sometimes I ran too fast, sometimes I didn't; sometimes others went out too quickly, sometimes they didn't. Our plan was to go for an hour at an easy pace, but as we approached 25 minutes, the usual negotiations broke out, leaving us in consensus that we'd run the full 15k route of a local race. About five minutes into the return portion of the run, I began to notice my lack of fitness; I was breathing a bit deeper, my ankles were sending back a bit of negative feedback, and my mood was darkening slightly. The cool breeze we ran into was in our backs, making the oven-like temperatures feel all that more oppressive.

We played with our pace in hopes that we'd squeeze more energy out of our poor old bodies. We eased up on the two tough hills that blocked our path home. We distracted each other with encouragement, conversation, and sarcasm.

With a mile to go, I was suffering badly. I wanted it all to end. Had any of our crew hinted that he was ready to walk, stop, or catch a bus, I was ready willing and able to second the motion. No luck though, we all held our ground.

At the end I was spent. My legs felt fine, but I was physically, and mentally exhausted from just hanging on. Our time was pretty mediocre, but we stuck together (but for one of our energetic comrades who decided at 3k to go, that he was going for it).

We don't get to where we want to go without some hard work, and maybe even a bit of suffering.

Oh, and it helps to have friends who want to get there with us.


So YBR has now been inaccessible (at least by me, from this computer) for at least the past two days now.

Does anyone have any information? Should we be concerned about our information on there?

Perhaps this is the universe suggesting that it's time to downsize to just one community.


Staff member
sonofJack said:
So YBR has now been inaccessible (at least by me, from this computer) for at least the past two days now.

Does anyone have any information? Should we be concerned about our information on there?

Perhaps this is the universe suggesting that it's time to downsize to just one community.
I was able to hit the site last night.


This message greets me each time:

"Resource Limit Is Reached

The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."

I smell a porn-induced conspiracy!