New on the forum


This my first time on a forum like this. I'm 45 and been looking at porn since 7 so it ruled my life. Been to psychologist to work on the reasons but the truth is im an addict. I'm so fed up with it stealing my life relationship money happiness.
I decided to do pushups instead of p so hence now i look as if in the gym all day. LOL.  I know it will be a struggle but i want to be free from these chains. I'm now at day 4.


Active Member
Welcome to the forum, man!

For what it's worth, I think the difficult thing in giving up an addiction is making a clear choice to do so, and sticking to it.  It's so simple, really.  And really hard.

There's a guy called Noah Church, who has alot of time clear of this thing, and now coaches other people.  He has his own you tube channel.  In an interview with Gabe Deem he once said '100% commitment is alot better than 99%'.  I think this is right - with 99% commitment when addictive thinking hits you e.g. 'just one more time...that clip was so juicy I need to see it again....I PMO'd yesterday, so I'm not doing much damage if I do it again...I'll explode/go crazy if I don't give in's been 3 weeks so I'm doing really well, a little peek now and I've still made progress....If I don't tell anyone it hasn't really happened, has it? long as  don't look at this type of porn, this other type is probably ok....' and all the other crazy stuff we think, we'll eventually we'll give in, we'll have that moment of weakness.  That's how it is with 99% commitment.

So then, how do you get to 100%?  I'm not there yet personally every day, but I feel like I am some days.  And I'm having more and more of those days.  And those days are so easy, in a way.  The cravings might be intense, but I know I won't act on them.  It's almost like they are not me.  I just say to the part of me that craves, ' sure you're in pain.  But I'm just going to get on with my life thank you.  I'm simply not interested in giving you what you want'.

So to ask again, how do we get there?  I think it's worth spending some time reflecting on your porn use.  What are the good things about it? Be really honest, what do you get out of it?  There must be something right?  Then, what are the bad things about using porn?  What do you lose, what does it rob you of?  Time? Money?  Interests?  Then look at stopping using porn.  What are the good things about that?  How would life change for the better?  What would you do instead?  Finally look at the downside of stopping porn.  There is one.  You have to face withdrawals, for example.

Make the list thoroughly and go through it regularly, not just once.  Each time ask yourself, with all these pros and cons am I willing to give up?  If you can say 'yes' you are already alot closer to 100%.  Having thought through the whole situation very carefully it become easier when withdrawals hit, for example, to say, 'OK, I knew this would happen, and however I feel now, I know giving up is for the best'.

Those are my thoughts anyway.  Take what's useful and leave the rest.

Best wishes on your journey to freedom!



Thanks for these words. I started to share my journey with woman that i caused pain in the past and they share their pain of my actions with me. I also realize that all that porn and woman was someone's daughter that they loved and i image if it was my daughter and the pain it would cause me. I also visualize the chemical changes in my brain and embrace the pain like going to the gym and working the muscles and the pain but the rewards is a healthy life


Active Member
That sounds great, if it helps you to stay clear of Porn, use that!  I would only say to be careful about thoughts that make you feel ashamed. Shame is a major trigger for most addictions.  For a porn addict, shame can lead to using porn to get some relief from the shame, which then makes you feel even more ashamed for having given in, so you use porn again to escape from the feelings which makes you feel ashamed etc.

I only say this because reflecting in the way you are on your experience would bring up shame for me, and could be very triggering to PMO!  But if it works for you, that's great!

All the best,



I agree and shame was what got me into p in the first place but i know that i need not feel shame any more because i got forgiveness and that is amazing. I had to forgive myself to for causing this to myself too. Today twice things happened and i was able to look away and that empowered me. Tomorrow is day 7.


This morning I'm feeling tired. I know i will be more susceptible but i will be victorious because i am 110% committed. I have made a week. I will celebrate by focusing on the prize. A life of healthy relationships and great intimicy.  I did not feeling like writing this morning. one more danger sign. I guess to know my enemy is important. So now i can feel the heaviness lifting. Good luck to everyone. We are like soldiers in a battle. Reading other's post is encouraging.


So this morning i recognize that my eyes started wondering and i knew i was getting more sensative to images so i srated focusing on my breathing. I also realized with a shock that i have been looking at females as object. I made a decision to change and it was grest because i could walk into the gym and having woman around me had no effect on me. I end spe?ding 2:30 min in the gym and exercised until all was cleared from my head. Now i can focus again and looking forward to day 14.


Today was a good day i went to visit waterfalls and the it happend. There were a group of female back packers sun bathing in their bikinis. Man did i have a challange but i survived. I realized the risk and made sure i did not linger on a thought or looking away. So i looked at the waterfall and focused on listening to the water. So i made it. I also know I'm not going back to my old life. I also looked at them as people with dreams and fears and needs and not as objects. So now it is day 11


Active Member
Really great job getting through a tricky situation!

That's the spirit - if you've decided in your heart you're never going back, nothing can make you...


Wow i can feel the withdrawal starting to get stronger. Went running today to try and work on my dopamine levels. Last night i chose not to m because i know that if i give in i will feel worse and shit. I will embrace this desire and use it to my recovery. I know i sometimes get depressed and if i give in i will feel worse. So now im sitting here absorbing this hunger and embrace the pain. Tomorrow is 13 days


Today i was packing up the books of my ex partner of 5 years. I remember how i felt about her when we met and now all i have are the memories because my addiction killed our relationship. I will never let this addiction ever rule me again


Active Member
That sounds really painful.  Feel for you.

Great that you are using it to keep you motivated rather than as an excuse to give up.

Keep going. Things can get better.  And how fantastic it will be to be PMO free when your next relationship comes along!


Day 14. I was driving this morning and suddenly realized I'm not anxious anymore. It is an awesome feeling. My head is clear an my mind focused. I did walk into the shopping center and are no longer staring at the girls. If i see something that in the past cause me to linger i just look away. When i feel a desire to look at p I embrace it till the feeling goes away.  To all the other guys on here i say hang on. I know i will have challenges. Next week I'm in hong kong where everything is cheap and on tap so i know it will be my fire walk but i will embrace it and overcome.