Learn on mistakes (trick in emergencies before relapse)


Active Member
So... That happened I've relapsed after 1 month on my first try... Very depressing indeed. But I've learnt few secrets - the less you concentrate on your reboot easier it gets. Even posting on this forum on a daily basis is a trigger in some way because you always remind yourself about your addiction! Just leave it and concentrate on your work, studies and exercises! Less you visit the internet less temptation you will have. Also one trick works for me in emergency situations when you think - screw all this! My reboot doesn't work I am in a flatline etc... Just breathe deeply and imagine your future with two possible scenarios :
1) you have successfuly maintained your reboot process. Now you are free! You have defeated your addiction which some say is worse than heroin addiction! You are proud of yourself you can overcome any struggle after this! Your social anxiety, ED , low libido are gone! You have a girlfriend and you are happiest MAN on the earth! Once you defeat yourself noone can defeat you!
2) you have relapsed -again- you hate yourself for this! You wish you could turn back time for 5 minutes to interfere your relapse! You feel wortheless, you don't believe in yourself and your future is faded in darkness! You envy those highly disciplined guys who have managed to overcome that terrible addiction!
STOP! You can indeed turn back time! You can be that disciplined guy! The choice is in your hands. You smile and choose the path 1 because it's the only option for the winners like you! You are your destiny!
hey zenreboot! i uds u completly, been there myslef:s
its thrue that better to stay offline as much as possible but i feel right now in the beginning that it feels good to read journals and get educated for a while and then after a while i think its better as u said to not come here everyday because it can trigg u, so i understand;)

the mental strategy sounds very good! i do something similar when urges or triggers are coming:) and to just do that i think trains your brain so u can controll your toughts( cut the bad toughts away and give place for good encouraging toughts;)
keep strong! and thanks for your advise!