Redux: Sexting Reboot


Forgive the style, I need this as a creative release to cope with not masturbating as well as to chronicle the process.

I'm 28, I'll be 29 in a month.

This is my second attempt at a complete reboot; I actually found this forum as part of a resolution in 2012-13, needless to say it didn't work.

Then it was just a something that I thought would improve my life, now I feel it is all too necessary.

I began masturbating around age 13, a terrifying novelty that I stumbled upon late one night. After the initial shock, I was hooked.

From the very beginning I used a vigorous, dry and completely detrimental technique. To this day this is the only method which guarantees an orgasm.

I began watching pornography at the same time, waiting for pain-staking hours while high resolution images or 10 second clips loaded on our 28k and 56k modems brought in the data.

This was a steady diet throughout my teenage years through college, at least one round a day if not more. What began as a exploration of my impulses towards certain girls in my classes/life turned into an obsession devoid of reality.

Throughout this time I suffered from a crippling inferiority complex, I had always been painfully shy, especially around girls. So much so that even when a girl expressed interest in me I froze and ended up regretting all my decisions later.

I thought about lying to you, but really I would be lying to myself, as this is for my benefit only: despite being told that I was very attractive physically and mentally from age 13 on, I didn't have a girlfriend or my first kiss until age 25. I lacked any sort of confidence in myself, be it with friends or females, and pornography never had the threat of rejection.

When I met her, I thought life was on the ups. I stopped using pornography entirely and this stunning, intelligent co-virgin and I began to explore each other's sexuality. To this point no other human being had ever attempted nor made me climax. And, after initial embarrassing failures where I was unable to maintain erections and/or delayed ejaculation, we finally got into an everyday rotation that lasted for over a year. What I didn't realize were the warning signs.

Then I allowed my neuroses, social incompetence and other factors to end the best relationship I've ever had. From there it was a spiral of pornography and other vices. Charged with a newfound confidence that women actually find me attractive, I began a steady routine of womanizing that continues to the present day. Aided by dating sites, instant communication and lack of accountability, I have been able to find real-world pornography on a daily basis for the last 3 years. Exploiting insecure women, divorcees, younger girls, etc. has become my forte. And my masturbation habits have increased tenfold, as many as 5-6 times a day.

I am completely and utterly disgusted by this, even my attempts to find meaningful relationships that have been sprinkled into these actions have failed. I have been in sexual situations with around 6 women in the last year and been completely unable to first achieve orgasm and now achieve an erection. There is nothing like the feeling of losing your manhood, whether or not you are able to please a woman in other ways, the phallic obsession men have is real and when it fails you know something is wrong. Not even an attempt to rekindle a relationship with my only true girlfriend and only person I've ever truly loved worked. This just drives me further to pornography and sexting.

I noticed things going wrong last summer, my orgasms were increasingly delayed. Then, my erections became less rigid, so I masturbated even harder. Changing techniques and approaches didn't work. Masturbation became even more routine. I've been late to work dozens of times in the last year because I knew I had to release before going in. Sessions would take 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Although I am circumcised, I've lost what I believe to be an exorbitant amount of sensation in my penis due to my dry technique. Nothing else works, and the psychological impulse becomes a physiological "need." Now I can barely achieve erections without intense concentration of my mind and muscles, any variation and it's gone. When I ejaculate my penis is often already in a flaccid state while I try to force myself to finish. I hide my disgust with myself from myself. I know it has to stop. There's got to be something better than this.

I've done this before, I've gone days without a relapse only to be triggered back into by a text or Kik or Snapchat. I set a goal for myself of not masturbating in hopes of having sex with a number of the potential mates, not even that could get me to stop masturbating for more than a few days. While thinking about it today, I could not even remember if I climaxed this morning, the routine has become so instilled in my brain that I don't even get any satisfaction from it. If I don't stop now, there could be lasting and devastating impacts for the rest of my life. NOTE TO SELF: YOU MAY NEVER HAVE SUCCESSFUL INTERCOURSE AGAIN!

More than anything I know I need to stop objectifying and exploiting females, as much as a loss of sexual potency is for me, I am really disgusted by how I interact with and treat women. This has to be improved by stopping my downward spiral as well.

The triggers to avoid:

- Dating sites
- Instant messaging apps
- Perhaps the whole smart phone in general

Possible ways to ease the anxiety:

- Creating music
- Reading and writing
- Exercise
- Social interaction with friends
- Critical thinking games

It has been at least 12 hours at this point, here's to another 12.


Active Member
Hey there redux, first of all I wanted to say good job on staying honest here in your journal. I know it isn't easy as I wrote my own there were things I wanted to omit but what was the point in lying to anonymous people on the Internet, some of who have gone through the exact same thing I have and more importantly as you said, lie to myself? That's a really big step to take, and you should feel proud that you've come this far! It takes a lot to own up to ones problems and in our case, how we've treated women as well. We're the same age although I'm on my third rebooting attempt.

I too had PIED and then towards the end (This spring) I was also struggling to stay erect even while masturbating and looking at porn. So there's bad news and good news for us. The bad news is that it can take up to 9 months (As it did with Gabe, see these clips here: to recover. But the good news is that we will recover!

redux said:
More than anything I know I need to stop objectifying and exploiting females, as much as a loss of sexual potency is for me, I am really disgusted by how I interact with and treat women.

This is something I honestly feel EXACTLY the same about. In particular a girl I met years ago and only wanted to see when I wanted to have sex. I treated her horribly and actually, I did the same with one of my first girlfriends too. I loved her and yet I broke up with her because I was going on a 2 week vacation and wanted to sleep with other girls, I mean how pathetic is that?

redux said:
The triggers to avoid:

- Dating sites
- Instant messaging apps
- Perhaps the whole smart phone in general

Possible ways to ease the anxiety:

- Creating music
- Reading and writing
- Exercise
- Social interaction with friends
- Critical thinking games

It has been at least 12 hours at this point, here's to another 12.

I think this sounds great! Avoiding those triggers (I quit the dating site I'd been on for a few years on and off). I'm still keeping my smartphone however :D
Getting busy with creating music sounds awesome since I take it you're passionate about it :) Starting to exercise again has been a great tool for me, I look forward to working out, I'm pushing myself a lot harder in my workouts and when I feel those sore muscles the days after it just enforces my view that I've actually done something worthwhile! I've also taken to reading at least 15-30 minutes every night before I go to bed and I'm determined to say YES when my friends ask me to go do stuff.

In the end, I think we'll find that our lives will change for the better in so many more ways then we ever expected :)


48 hours in and while I cannot say that I have avoided all my triggers, I have not masturbated during this time period.

Needless to say I've been highly aroused at certain points, I've had the urges, but I've maintained control in that regard. At this point, the pain is real. However, the silver lining is that if I can stop myself from masturbating, then I can overcome the triggers as well.

Long days ahead.


Three days in, seeing what may be some early evidence of withdrawal:

- Constant urge during downtime.
- Irritability.
- Insomnia.

Definitely have greater will-power on the physical aspect of masturbation than the psychological aspect of sexting. Although I have not avoided my triggers of using instant messaging apps, I have been able to keep interactions with females in the realm of flirtation, rather than overtly lecherous behavior. It's a fine line, but knowing and reinforcing boundaries is key. I feel like if I do not establish clear parameters now in this rebooting process, and just go cold turkey, the probability of relapse increases.

After much contemplation and brainstorming, I am beginning to understand the appeal of sexting for me, these are by no means novel understandings, but I wanted to try and reach these conclusions independently as part of my avoidance strategy and in an attempt to keep my critical thinking skills sharp during this process:

Anonymous instant communication is a tool which depersonalizes human interaction. In any given night using any number of sites, I was able to converse with dozens of females all in hopes of cybersex, pics or videos. This was because I was able to put the shallow online persona I've constructed out there in a very superficial way. Mass messaging the same pick-up lines and contact information. If I got a response: we're in business, if not: on to the next. Because there was no threat of rejection like in "reality," it gave me a sense of power that I've otherwise lacked in actual contact with females. Much like porn, there was the surface offer of unlimited and instant gratification without a downside, plus the "options" in the form of actual females were limitless and much more approachable than a porn fantasy.

Because I am pretty astute at analyzing people (everyone but myself before now), their behaviors, their motivations, etc., I was able to develop strategies that went along with different archetypes. Womanizing became easy. Preying on their specific insecurities or personality traits was key, for example: the desperation of many middle-aged divorcees, the low self-esteem of some females in my age bracket, the narcissism of many college girls, the inexperience and naivety of teenage girls. Often it was very easy to identify elements of sexual abuse in their past (e.g., over-sexualization at a young age) and harp in on that to get them to do whatever I wanted.

Over time, just like with porn, I became desensitized to the mundane interaction and had to start searching out more and more taboo situations. The most evident was interaction with increasing younger and younger girls. In a lot of ways this was the situation which snapped me back into reality more than anything else. Even more than ED or chronic masturbation.

If you are reading this I appreciate it.


Great to hear your story. I stopped PMO both because of what it's done to my life but also how I view all women. If I see a hot woman around me, I just think of fucking her, there is no desire to get to know her, connect in any way, just strip down and fuck or so I think in my fantasies fueled by porn. Real life isn't like this, and girls don't really like it either.

I got a chance to see messages guys send to my female friend on a dating site, without even getting to know her, they ask or say stupid shit like "You like big dicks?", "Wow, your pretty! Want to fuck?". Some guys within a few messages would send her naked pics on her phone and she's just like "What the fuck am I suppose to respond with?".

That's when I realized that I was no different and that was probably why I am single for a long time and how porn really screwed up my worldview, and expectations with women, sex and relationships.

Edit. I've also been on dating sites, and also adult dating sites, and they just ended up being a huge trigger for me. (Adult friend finder). I realized that it was no different than porn, and I was just viewing profiles like I was pictures.

Hope you stay on track for you goal!


Absolutely brother, for so long I considered myself superior to all the others in our generation who degrade women in that way on dating sites.

In my mind, it wasn't as bad because I was more suave, sophisticated, charming. I got to know the girl, in reality just to find out what her weaknessess or insecurities were, so I was better. And mostly I thought it was different because it actually worked. More so than the average dating site guy.

In the last year, I've had to delete apps on my phone to make room for the hundreds of nude photographs and videos I had amassed from these females.

I thought I was different, until I reassessed my life and views beginning this month.

There is no difference, the end results are the same: objectification of women and potential impotency on my part.

We can do this, we need to do this, we have to do this.


Active Member
redux said:
I thought I was different, until I reassessed my life and views beginning this month.

There is no difference, the end results are the same: objectification of women and potential impotency on my part.

We can do this, we need to do this, we have to do this.

Wow man, I know exactly how that feels, I wrote about it in another thread... I was just the same as you! I thought I was a gentleman but its not until now that I'm getting out from the haze of PMO addiction that I've realized how bad some of my behavior really has been. A lot of us here seem to have that awakening... better late than never I guess :/


redux said:
Anonymous instant communication is a tool which depersonalizes human interaction. In any given night using any number of sites, I was able to converse with dozens of females all in hopes of cybersex, pics or videos. This was because I was able to put the shallow online persona I've constructed out there in a very superficial way. Mass messaging the same pick-up lines and contact information. If I got a response: we're in business, if not: on to the next. Because there was no threat of rejection like in "reality," it gave me a sense of power that I've otherwise lacked in actual contact with females. Much like porn, there was the surface offer of unlimited and instant gratification without a downside, plus the "options" in the form of actual females were limitless and much more approachable than a porn fantasy.

Because I am pretty astute at analyzing people (everyone but myself before now), their behaviors, their motivations, etc., I was able to develop strategies that went along with different archetypes. Womanizing became easy. Preying on their specific insecurities or personality traits was key, for example: the desperation of many middle-aged divorcees, the low self-esteem of some females in my age bracket, the narcissism of many college girls, the inexperience and naivety of teenage girls. Often it was very easy to identify elements of sexual abuse in their past (e.g., over-sexualization at a young age) and harp in on that to get them to do whatever I wanted.

Over time, just like with porn, I became desensitized to the mundane interaction and had to start searching out more and more taboo situations. The most evident was interaction with increasing younger and younger girls. In a lot of ways this was the situation which snapped me back into reality more than anything else. Even more than ED or chronic masturbation.

If you are reading this I appreciate it.

I can totally relate, redux!! Mass messaging, "preying" on insecure girls online, on snapchat, dating sites, anything to get a response and then trying to work some magic to exchange dirty pics, videos, or words with them. I'm in the same boat. Keep strong man. I'm on day 5, I can't relapse and get back into my disgusting ways. I have to save the amazing relationship I still shockingly have. Keep updating us.


Appreciate it, gents.

Day Four and further in this journal will no longer focus largely on the past or the difficulties of this journey, but will focus on the improvements made in my life.

I feel we need to fix our eyes on a prize, one separate just from curing PIED, stopping objectification or womanizing, our ultimate goal should being the best we can be.

Some positive changes already made in my life:

- I am a cinephile, and no longer of the adult variety. Throughout high school and college I immersed myself in watching films and writing about them. A small step is that I have now set a goal of watching the remainder of the films in the Criterion Collection everytime I get an urge. There are only 700+ and I only have 500~ more to go. This will be accompanied by a short Moleskin entry reflecting my thoughts on the movie.

- I continue to eat well, I've lost 20~ in the last six months after my most recent weight gain, I'd like to get that down another 20~ to my personal best as far as fitness. As I have plateaued with simple dietary changes this will require an increase in exercise, which I thought could be mitigated. No such luck.

- I have had some positive interaction with females recently, many possibilities in regards to actual dating and not simply self-gratification. Hoping to play the field a little more after I've given myself some more time to reboot and then take it slow.

- I have already started making plans with friends and taking advantage of new opportunities as they come up, this includes a pool party today, a revisit to our local amusement park on Monday, and some boating in the next week. None of which are my first choice on experiences, but I feel that it's necessary. My problem has never been social anxiety, per se, but as an introvert there are only a few individuals I choose to actually spend my time with (say at my weekly trivia game). Maybe that's the next change that needs to be made as well.


Hi. I always thought I was an introvert because I my social anxiety. But through various circumstances I think I have realised that my natural state is more in the middle and I didn't want to be around people only because of my anxiety that caused me pain and worry. Without the anxiety I actually do want and need to be around people. I think a true introvert has no anxiety in social settings yet chooses to not hang around lots of people because it actually doesn't interest them.


Six days.

Another huge improvement: I initially began this process with a goal, but there were also ulterior motives in mind.

A girl who I had been sexting for 9 months had just given in to the idea of getting together in person. An idea I had first advanced when ED was not as much of an issue for me, needless to say things have gotten worse in the ensuing months. So my idea of a reboot coincided with a masturbation fast in hopes I could perform with her. After having our get together fall through last night, I began to realize just how toxic this "relationship" had been for me, the fact that it had largely replaced porn as my #1 artificial stimulus.

I informed her that we couldn't continue this morning.

There has been no immediate "burden lifted off my shoulders," but I know this is the best for my reboot and the person I am becoming.


One week goal: achieved.

Learning a lot about myself and will power.

Doubling my expectations to 14 days without reset this time.

See you gents on the other side.


Active Member
Congratulations, that's true that you learn a lot about yourself when rebooting. Doing week by week is the best method. Good luck.


Humbling experience last night.

Had a failed sexual encounter with an acquaintance. Not sure PIED was the overall cause, but likely a contributing factor. Regardless it exposed some of my hubris in this process, thinking that a mere week was long enough to see noticeable results. Thought I could get a jump start on rewiring my brain by being with a female, I was only able to achieve a ~50% erection during the process.

Other things that likely caused malfunction:

- Inebriation (high gravity beers, a dozen free moonshine and wine shots at distillery in the hours leading up)
- Fatigue (occurred at 2 to 3 AM after a 10-hour day at an amusement park)
- Anxiety (though it was a rural area, it was still in public)
- Lack of meaningful connection (my successful sexual experiences in the past come from deep relationships, not shallow hook-ups)

As much as my womanizing in the last 3~ would indicate otherwise, my end goal isn't casual sex.

Whereas an episode of ED in the past would drive me further into porn and masturbation, now it is just making me more determined to cure myself.

There are no shortcuts in this process, friends, don't delude yourselves and stay the course.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the humbling experience... but at least you learned from it! Obviously one doesn't have to become a monk when one reboots but I've felt that giving it at least the 90 days of no PMO (Including O from intercourse) seems to be the way to go.

Maybe your wake-up call here will help others too, as you say; there are no shortcuts in this process! I'm glad you've turned it into something positive however, that you're more determined than ever :)


Had another casual encounter with a different friend last night, improved results but still not able to fully be in the moment or aroused.

Celibacy wasn't a problem during the months-long porn/sexting binges of the past, but now that self-gratification is gone for good, the only thing that seems to matter is the O via other means.

The prospect of the so-called "monk mode" seems even more daunting than my initial goal, but might be the best course for the remainder of my journey.


So I made it 12 days.

And the last 5 have been a relative "binge" period of 1-2 times a day, I even reverted back to P as sexting partners had become scarce due to no contact in the two weeks prior.

I have been in the avoidance/denial stage during that period, but knowing what we know: this has to be the final relapse for me.

This will be the last relapse for me.

It feels like I'm constantly running out of time, in every aspect of my life.

So I made it 12 days, and now I can go more.


Sucks to hear you relapsed.

My advice would be to not create a mountain from a hill. I've just decided not to do it and that's it. I really don't think about it much and if I get any thought I just ignore it, I don't entertain it at all. There is nothing more to think about other than "I am done with this for X days and will reevaluate it then".

It's so much harder when you say "omg my urges are so bad, I want to watch P so bad" and so forth.

At least that has worked for me.