My girlfriend broke up, withdrawal symptoms worse - I'm suicidal now! HELP


Guys please help me! I dont know what to do anymore! I have withdrawal symptoms like depression anxiety etc since 50 days now and my girlfriend broke up with me last saturday. I am not able to be happy anymore... i have fear. Depression got worse... i dont know if my i am even rebooting anymore.

Even smoking cigarettes make things worse. Fuck i am thinking about killing myself to end all of this.

I fucking loved her and i told it her that i love her. A few days after sge broke up. I am soooo fuckin lonely. I have depression. Damn please help.


Active Member
Hey man! I know shit can feel real rough when a girl you love lets you down like that, I went through it a year ago and I'm still not over her 100%. However, life goes on, I know that's a clich? but its true!

You can't predict the future, knowing that you'll find someone new that you'll love as much but I know that if you keep working on no PMO you will become a better person, and in the end and some girl is bound to notice that :)

I've been extremely lonely as well as I only recently told a friend about my addiction and that helped a lot! I think after that, the best thing for me has been walking my neighbors dog. Dogs don't care if you have an addiction, if you treat them right they will love you completely! Just sitting and petting my neighbors dog for 5 minutes or going out for a walk with her has cheered me up to no end when I've felt that maybe ending my life was a good idea. When she sees me she comes running up, wagging her tail and then walks through my legs over and over like the silly dog she is :)

If you're not allergic to dogs or even cats, I would suggest visiting a nearby shelter to see if you can volunteer with walking the dogs there! It might sound a bit crazy but helping others is a great way of helping yourself!


Hey man sorry about your girl I know it probably hurt like crazy but its never worth ending your life. That other guy has good advice I love dogs they can be soooo damn friendly and you can really feel their love and its great.

If u can't get a pet then maybe you should read the bible, christian or not it gives u hope like no other. I KNOW for a fact I would have killed myself if I never started reading the bible. My life was worse than rock bottom. I had nothing to live for but his word always kept me going and now I have a lot more hope and life meaning. I most thankful for Him.  Read proverbs psalms and the new testament first its really good. Just a suggestion but the bible kept stopped me from ending my life.

I wish you luck bro this is hard as hell but will be worth it. Never give up.


Active Member
Feeling sad is normal.  You just lost your girlfriend so be sad and don't try to change your feelings.  You are a human with real emotions and right now you can feel your aliveness.  We have ALL been where you are.  Feeling vulnerable for having said I love you only to be dumped.  It sucks big time!!!  No reason to harm yourself because this craptastic feeling will eventually go away.  Hang in there :)


Staff member
fuckporn said:
Guys please help me! I dont know what to do anymore! I have withdrawal symptoms like depression anxiety etc since 50 days now and my girlfriend broke up with me last saturday. I am not able to be happy anymore... i have fear. Depression got worse... i dont know if my i am even rebooting anymore.

Even smoking cigarettes make things worse. Fuck i am thinking about killing myself to end all of this.

I fucking loved her and i told it her that i love her. A few days after sge broke up. I am soooo fuckin lonely. I have depression. Damn please help.

Hang in there man! I never feels good to have a broken heart. I had a 3 year long relationship end at the height of my porn addiction and I remember how terrible I felt after that - lost and confused. Please don't give up! Two years later, I'm in one of the best places of my life.

Be strong, talk to friends for support, and never give up.
Stay strong, mate! You have the support of all of us here. Write here as much as you want. It's hard times, but there will be great days again. Keep on fighting!


There are antidepressants if you are actually depressed. It's a temporary issue and most- if not all will get over it and you'll be perfectly fine. Don't stop the reboot. It sounds like porn is a huge reason for your problems to come this far. Exercise eases depression reduces cravings and increases dopamine and dopamine (D2) receptors to reverse desensitization and hypofrontality. It may also make you think straight- it is good to get out and not be stuck inside and let the thoughts boil.


Yea when I would go for a run I could think straight and much more I could think a whole lot more positive. Its incredibly power. Go for a jog. Try it. Its free : D


Over a year and a half ago I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years. I was absolutely devastated. I quit my job which I didn't like and it took a long time to recover. The depression that followed made it too hard to quit porn. To be honest the first two weeks after a hard break up are a virtual right off anyway. Don't be too hard on yourself if you aren't doing anything positive right now.


Well-Known Member
Life actually gets better.
Because how you're feeling right now can't get worse unless you let it.
You feel like you do right now only because you think it's gonna last forever.
It's not which is why all of us are here today.
Just stick around with us.



Thank you so much guys. To all of you. It was really good to read your motivational posts. I think i am out of that deep and dark hole i was in when i opened this thread. I still feel like shit, depressed, anxious and stressed, but not THAT bad anymore.

You're all right. I hope things are getting better every day.

Damn this nofap thing (and now the combination with a break up) is by far the hardest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

Thank you my friends!!


Active Member
Glad to hear you're crawling out of that dark place you were in when you wrote this thread :)

Feeling shit, depressed etc... its not easy do deal with it all sometimes but at least you know not to give up, or to go back to porn! That's great news! You're on the right track to live a better life, even if its as a single man at the moment.


Staff member
fuckporn said:
Thank you so much guys. To all of you. It was really good to read your motivational posts. I think i am out of that deep and dark hole i was in when i opened this thread. I still feel like shit, depressed, anxious and stressed, but not THAT bad anymore.

You're all right. I hope things are getting better every day.

Damn this nofap thing (and now the combination with a break up) is by far the hardest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

Thank you my friends!!
Think of it like this; even though you had a setback with your GF, you still are working towards the ultimate goal, being able to function in a relationship. Don't give up and keep in mind that the pangs of grief you experience with a breakup do not represent a permanent change in your happiness. It may be hard to believe, but you will come through this and be happy again. Don't give up, don't give in.


Well-Known Member
fuckporn said:
Thank you so much guys. To all of you. It was really good to read your motivational posts. I think i am out of that deep and dark hole i was in when i opened this thread. I still feel like shit, depressed, anxious and stressed, but not THAT bad anymore.

You're all right. I hope things are getting better every day.

Damn this nofap thing (and now the combination with a break up) is by far the hardest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

Thank you my friends!!

The pain that you have means that you have feelings and emotions.
Those are good to have when forming any relationship but you don't want her to influence your
self esteem. Easier said than done and this pain will go away with time.
It's hard to be rational when something like this happens.


Suicide is being selfish to yourself, as well as others.
You actually need Antidepressants or just to pull yourself together.


Active Member
hey there. First: good job pulling your butt out of that dark depression hole. I have bin in there many times. I still can remember when the first girl I was really in love with broke up with me after two years of relationship and after meeting with me to "talk" - I was so desperate to get anything from her that even resembled affection, just couldn't let go of her - she told me how she had sex with two other guys. This broke me, totally. I was so down, drinking, bingeing on everything i could. I just fixated myself on that woman - nothing else was important for me. This moodset I kept for like 3 Month. I did lots of sport - kinda like now ;D during withdrawl - and after a while I didn't feel the need to thikn about her anymore. I may not have been suicidal then but I certainly was dragging everybody around me into my dark hole. ....well.....things changed. Another two month later I had my final exams, signed up for civil service and just lived my life. It was probably the most splendid time of my life. I felt just free, without sorrow. This kind of thing now has happened more often - since I got older..... And I have to say: It made me wiser, stronger and more aware of myself. I dark times one has to use all of the remaining strenght just to keep the head over water - resulting in being tougher.  It may be more emotional than a no PMO challenge - and more difficult. But there is no need to end your life because of this. You are stronger after climbing back up. Suicide is but a fluke, a method of last resost in order to flee from reality. It only creates problems for the ones that love you. But by staying alive, learning and accepting life's lessons you might just be the one to be free eventually, without fear of loss, without fear of loneliness. If everything breaks down around you you still have what you gathered until now - which can't be nothing! And since there is something It also is a reason to life. Don't give up! pull yourself together and get over it. You can do it!


Go to YOU TUBE and search Sean Stewart.  He has a lot of videos that have helped me within the last three weeks.  I too was suicidal.


Thank you all so much for your posts, guys. I can't thank you enough! Wow, suicidal thoughts were really really strong when I opened this thread. I think I'll never kill myself, but those thoughts.... OMFG... Fucking withdrawal combined with that bad breakup destroyed me almost totally emotionally...

Let's hope this will all have an end soon!



Staff member
fuckporn said:
Thank you all so much for your posts, guys. I can't thank you enough! Wow, suicidal thoughts were really really strong when I opened this thread. I think I'll never kill myself, but those thoughts.... OMFG... Fucking withdrawal combined with that bad breakup destroyed me almost totally emotionally...

Let's hope this will all have an end soon!


You are doing great, FP. Eighty-five days is awesome.