I need help


New Member
Hi I'm Jacob I've been going threw a lot. I'm addicted to porn. I've stop watch looking at porn and images. I need help I'm day 12 I feel life less. I have a desk job where I do work on a computers. Is this setting me back ?


Jlondon said:
Hi I'm Jacob I've been going threw a lot. I'm addicted to porn. I've stop watch looking at porn and images. I need help I'm day 12 I feel life less. I have a desk job where I do work on a computers. Is this setting me back ?

Hello Jacob. Great job in making the decision to take control over your addiction. It can definitely be difficult breaking an online addiction when you need to use computers regularly. I'm on day 3 of breaking my erotica addiction as an online student and it certainly requires self-restraint when the stuff is one click away. Are computer filters a possibility for you? Or perhaps you can try focusing on something else online, such as an online debate group, ASMR videos or a gaming site you really enjoy? One thing I've done is set 15 minute timers online, and every time I reset it is an opportunity to re-evaluate how I'm spending my time. Good luck!