Can porn make you think you're gay?


I started watching porn when I was 10. By the time I was 15 I had found that I was able to get turned out from the lesbian scenes in porn. Because of this, I just assumed I was bisexual. I was actively dating men but was never able to orgasm from sex with them. I now believe this could have been because of the extreme amount to porn I used. I figure this could have been the equivalent to ED that men get. Because of this, and the fact that I got turned on by the women in porn (but not by the men in porn), I eventually decided that must just mean I'm a lesbian. The crazy part though was that I was only attracted to feminine women in porn but only attracted to more butch women in reality. I've been away from porn and masturbation for 26 days and lately I've found that I've been a lot more attracted to men but not really to women. Has anyone ever heard of this happening-thinking you were gay because of porn but then realizing you weren't afterwards? The whole thing is very complicated.


Active Member
Yes, this is very common with porn users. Its caused form the desensitized brain and thus us needing more diverse and hardcore porn or genre that gives us that hit of dopamine we are after. Many men will start with straight porn for awhile then start to fade in to trans then finally full on Gay porn. I'm sure it's the same for women.


Active Member
Willtochange nailed it. This does happen. I won't go into details to avoid possible trigger for other readers but found myself freaked out to not be able to get excited for the amazing woman who is my wife while finding myself getting excited by porn that was moving towards the gay end of the spectrum. I've never found men attractive and suddenly I found myself looking at stuff that would have repulsed me while looking right past my beautiful wife. When I went porn free, the feelings all reversed. When I slipped, the gradual progression eventually ended up in the same area but I found th the desire to look for even more extreme stuff. Porn is a truly powerful evil. It's the worst kind because it can feel so good while it does so much damage.
If, after being porn free for quite a while, you still find that you are more attracted to women, then you will know that you might be bi or gay. If you find that not to be the case,  then you will know that. The important part is to know whichever turns out to be the truth without the haze and mental filters of porn distorting it.
Keep strong and go find out how wonderful life can really be.



New Member
Ive been thinking the same thing for awhile now. I started watching porn when i was around 9 and only got aroused by the women that i would see on screen so i went through my life assuming that i was a lesbian. I started dating my first woman recently and started to find men more attractive than woman, I also stopped watching porn as much and was thinking am i really a lesbian or was i turnes into one from constant viewing of lesbian porn. Porn addiction is probably the worse thing that has happened to me it has had negative effects on my self worth,how i treat myself and others yet i sometimes continue to watch it is indeed an evil drug.


Interesting topic, I suppose the real test of this is to go through the reboot process and be honest with yourself about how you feel once you start to recover. Have feelings changed? Desires changed? I'm curious about this for myself. Life is pretty fascinating!



Active Member
No as far as I know.
Porn can't change your sexual attraction.
Porn can only make you watch more intense porn.
But can't change your attraction towards different genders.
Stay straight, there are plenty of good men waiting for you.


johnleesmith65 said:
No as far as I know.
Porn can't change your sexual attraction.
Porn can only make you watch more intense porn.
But can't change your attraction towards different genders.
Stay straight, there are plenty of good men waiting for you.
this is as far as you know but porn can make you turned on by all kinds of genders, creatures, tools etc. first on screen, but as you progress it can spill out into real life. porn can be only so intense on screen, some people reach the end but addiction is still progressing so they start wondering, testing new things etc. not everyone is like this but i think most of us experienced at least some spilling of our distorted sexual tastes into real life. i know i needed rougher sex for the same level of enjoyment and some things like that...

its understandable that porn addicts get confused because they connect arousal to sexual orientation but in case of porn addiction, looking for what is arousing is wrong way of looking at your sexual orientation and preferences because your arousal sensors are distorted, artificially changed, not natural. porn addicts who are testing their natural sexual orientation they had before porn, in some cases end up with HOCD and very unpleasant experiences they later regret.
Hi Alice, I'm male and in my 50's by the way. I have a happy marriage but porn really dragged me down the rabbit hole to do things I would never have thought of doing.  Soft porn turned to internet porn, which, as with most sufferers, developed into seeking more extreme types of porn. When that didn't give me a dopamine kick I started sex chat lines (* significant step - the first human connection..!!). This then developed to prostitutes and then, in my ever increasing desire to be excited and get "high" I had a few experiences with men. (I had watched gay twink porn previously).

Was this just the next stage of the porn addiction evolution..?  Was it just a bit of me being bi-curious as I'm getting older and feeling I should experience everything whilst I'm on this planet..?  Who knows.. possibly the first one.  However, I do know that I am certainly not gay, not at all. I was attracted to the idea of men, not men themselves.  I think many people are bi-curious, as we are "curious" about many things in life and perhaps want to experience them once and push our boundaries a bit.

Only you can tell what your deepest desires are - perhaps, like me and many others, you were just pushing your boundaries and needing a "different" kind of excitement to satisfy your dulled reward centre.

Anyway, enough from me, I do hope you find your answers.. but definitely stay away from porn..!!!!!!!!!



porn can greatly affect sexual orientation. For example, a woman did not like lesbians. But after watching porn she wanted to try


Active Member
Man, I can really speak to this. In my teens and early 20’s I would be really uncomfortable by any kind of touch from a guy, hug, arm tap, you name it. But as my porn use escalated as a straight man I actually sought out and had encounters with men. I always felt icky afterwards but yet continued to do so. I am not attracted to men, nor do I care to be intimate with men (cuddling, kissing, or sex). But I kept having an intense attraction to penises, it was what I sought out. I also noticed that my porn interests changed and I found I was focused on the penis more than the women in the videos.

I have found that staying off porn causes those desires to go away. Maybe porn hasn’t changed me, but it certainly altered my state of mind.


Man, I can really speak to this. In my teens and early 20’s I would be really uncomfortable by any kind of touch from a guy, hug, arm tap, you name it. But as my porn use escalated as a straight man I actually sought out and had encounters with men. I always felt icky afterwards but yet continued to do so. I am not attracted to men, nor do I care to be intimate with men (cuddling, kissing, or sex). But I kept having an intense attraction to penises, it was what I sought out. I also noticed that my porn interests changed and I found I was focused on the penis more than the women in the videos.

I have found that staying off porn causes those desires to go away. Maybe porn hasn’t changed me, but it certainly altered my state of mind.
I think the best thing to do is to get away from porn but once you already have a routine in it, it becomes difficult. God be our helper