what should I do


Active Member
what should I do to know if am recovering from my addiction and how do i know if my dopamine receptors is going back to normal and how many days required?


Active Member
It's hard to know for sure. There isn't a magic number that after X days you are "normal" again (whatever that means).

Your brain has gotten wired to equate porn with a big dopamine hit. This wiring will always be there to some degree but the less you use it, the weaker is gets.

I think a better way to measure progress is to look at your whole life. If things are getting better abd you're finding other activities to fill the void that porn did then that's good. If you're feeling more and tackling problems in your life, that's good. If you're still struggling with facing up to things abs taking charge of the life you want, that's less good.

It is all a process and gradual steps.

How do you feel? How do you think your recovery is going and why?


Active Member
Lots of people look for physical changes which indicate the brain is working differently:
1) Morning wood returns, after years of absence
2) Touch alone can induce an erection
3) Sex ends well
4) Skimpy clothes on TV make you annoyed
5) You chat comfortably to people, looking them in the eyes

But do not test yourself! Just observe these things if they happen naturally.