Religious Views and Sexuality


Active Member
I'd be fascinated to hear if others here have views on PMO and even masturbation based on any kind of religious belief system.

A media example recently quoted was the Mormons on Masturbation. They are taught to hod each other accountable for the practice and view it as highly sinful. In fact, I understand they have special underwear designed to discourage masturbating and would regard those who fail to resist this temptation as 'soldiers fallen in a battle with sin." Their missionaries literally live side by side in pairs and the must account for each other's actions.

Are any of you on here rebooting because of religious faith? If that is the case what aspects of sexuality does your religion view as sinful and how are you seeking to overcome these sins? Also, what does your faith say about forgiving and restoring?
This is an interesting topic. I think the practise of religion has done, and continue to do irreparable damage to natural sexuality. Why are the religious leaders so obsessed by connecting sex to guilt and sin? Why this fear of women's sexuality? Why did Mary have to be a virgin?

I think sex can be such a 'natural high' and thus compete with the 'imaginary highs' promised by religion.

Of all the good reasons to quit PMO, religious view are on the bottom of my list.


MwC said:
Not much activity here, maybe a tad controversial:)

Yes, touchy topic.

Personally I am glad, that the whole rebooting movement is secular. To be honest, if it was fueled by a religious background I would have never taken it seriously. I would have just assumed it was a way to force the "porn is bad, m'kay" opinion down my throat - and walked away.

I have no problem with people being spiritual or religious on a personal level and respect them. My issues are with organized religion, but that is off-topic.


Active Member
Thanks people for some excellent thoughts on this one. I simply have never harboured any thought that the God I believe in thinks masturbation is evil. Nor do I think they are preaching against sex or procreation.

Sadly, I have seen the damage done by Christian and Religious sexual repression and that is truly sinful.

I don't think the thread will attract many comments as those who feel otherwise may simply not want to state their position.


Staff member
I am not a regular church goer and I was not raised in a particular religion.  So my view is not totally based from that angle.  I do believe though that marriage is the most important commitment someone can make.  I believe that once married, the two are one unit of whatever your measure is. The commitment is to have each other's backs, protect one another, be there for each other no matter what comes your way.  I think that we are also there for one another's pleasure, to make each other feel good whether it is emotional or physical.  We have chosen the person that we think is most important in our lives to be with forever. 

Being an SO and on this forum, I can say when I made the discovery, I felt none of the above.  I did not feel he had mys  back, I did not feel protected, I did not feel he was there for me.  I did not feel pleasure, either emotionally or physically at that time.  I felt abandoned, I felt like we had been sailing on a ship to our goals and suddenly I was alone on that ship in dead water.  But, I still had love, I was still committed and after we cleared away the the porn brain, he did too.

I think most religions have at their root family comes first.  When you strip away all the do this don't do that, family and spousal commitment is always there.  That is the key.


Active Member
I didn't respond because the question was so general I could have written a novel ;). I'm not religious at all but I do believe in Universe and a Creator of some sort.  I don't think we are here by accident so to speak.  I think religions have done a lot of damage for sure but I also think the anti-religion movement is equally as damaging.  Anyone who is anti-porn, pro marriage or pro morals and values is a "religious freak" and I get real sick and tired of hearing that.  What it the difference between Christians hating gay people and atheists hating Christians?  Nothing! 

When I was going through my marriage issues the only people who cared were Christians.  I read copious amounts of Christian books and websites.  I ignored the Bible passages (although they did have some value) and took to heart the true message of forgiveness, morality and values within a marriage.  I think those messages are needed today.


Active Member
I also have a novels worth of opinion about religion and sexuality, but will say a few quick things.

I think it was DFA that mentioned guilt and shame and I will echo this.  I was raised Catholic and even sexual thoughts were held to be "sinful."  That is sort of like saying planning lunch makes you a glutton.  I think the whole cycle of, "I thought of sex, I am a horrible person, I am so ashamed, I feel awful, I want to feel"  is pretty much the addictive process in a nutshell.

I will also say that the whole idea of sex as "dirty" is one of the worst things humans have ever invented.  And I am sure humans invented it, certainly it did not come from God.  I want to hold my wife and this turns me on, but somehow this is wrong?  Bad idea.  Also bad idea that "sex" is one thing and "cuddling" another.  Ideally they should flow back and forth to each other.  But if you cross some imaginary line, now it is "dirty" and sinful.  Horrible, horrible idea.

Humans bond through skin contact and with your SO, that should snuggling, sex and whatever else you want to call it!

SO Reboot Partner

I don't know. I think "religion" gets confused with personal piety more often than not in these kinds of discussions. We've all met people with an abundance of personal piety when it comes to matters of faith, PMO, the merits of certain baseball teams - heck, even Mayo or Miracle Whip.

One church sign in our town said "Seeking spiritual fruits, not religious nuts? Inquire within" for several months. I chuckled to myself every time I saw it.

Piety doesn't require a lot of thinking. It is the absolute belief or point of view that is absorbed as a truth. Piety is great because it allows the pious a quick answer/decision to basic questions/situations, x is bad - y is good. We are only alive for a short period of time, so this piety paradigm is efficient and keeps us from killing each other. There is a price to be paid for such efficiency when we perceive experience is telling us differently.

Religion also provides a path to forgiveness. Redemption for everyone! - just for asking. As a life-operating system, this is a good one, imho.

My husband identifies as an atheist. I forgave him without him asking for it. I'm not certain he believes in forgiveness. I do and that has to be enough.

I would say forgiveness is personal. It has nothing to do with religion.

People can believe what they want. My recommendation would be to put the deliberate brain washing delivered by the church aside, read the entire bible (old and new), then make up your own mind. Is this ancient texts the guideline of how you should live your life. Does it explain the wonders of the universe . If yes be religious.

To many goes along with things they have been told from childhood without really thinking things trough.

It is not the easiest read... So it will keep you guys away from the porn:)


Active Member
Thank you for so many fascinating answers to my very general question. I am so glad to read that you don't buy into the 'guilt and shame stuff' any more than myself.

I also loved that sign 'Seeking spiritual fruits, not religious nuts, inquire within!' That says it all for me, 100%!


New Member
I'm new here, but not new with the porn battle. I'm an excommunicated Mormon and would very much like to become an active member again... I'm looking for an accountability partner.
I'll share my story later.
It will be interesting to hear your story. I know a person excommunicated from Jehovah's Vitnesses. Rather gruesome treatment by a faith that preaches forgiveness.

Anyway, this is a super place to get advice for porn addiction. We are legion:)


Active Member
Good luck in your struggle Hansdd, just chill and accept the help loads on here will want to share with you. Also check the link to accountability partners.
Woah, I never knew the facts about Mormons! I always thought it was a crazy cult, and it might still be, but after hearing that I'm much more open to what they do.

It seems Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were on to something.. They preach evils about masturbation, hold young men accountable through a partner, and believed every man should marry a harem.

You know, say what you will about the religion, but it's highly realistic and practical from a man's perspective. The men can perform, and don't ever cheat on their wives because they have so many of them. Nor do they masturbate as married men, they just go bang a sister wife if they get bored with one. They have the zest to perform in life as well. It's no wonder Mormons are usually highly successful people-they're not spilling the gasoline from their tanks.

Contrast that with mainstream Christianity which preaches that everything is a sin, but they don't do anything practical about it. Masturbation, while sinful, is secretly valued as superior to premarital sex. Those who publicly engage in premarital sex have stones cast upon them; those who privately worship their golden staff are called "good little boys" and "fine, upstanding young men"'re literally rewarded for being a masturbating Casper milquetoast of a man, and punished for procreativity.

...Yeah, Mormonism is the crazy cult here.


Active Member
Hello people! As far as I've heard/read Masturbation is indeed not so good for one's spirit because it involves satisfying one's egotistical body pleasure.

Sex with other people on the other hand, when it involves feelings it is seen as a good act. Sex for sport, without any actual feelings towards the partner (eg. one night stands) are not so good for one's soul. As in it takes away your vital energy instead of increasing it.

My therapist is fairly religious and she suggested that I read the apocrific Gospels because much more info can be found there


Staff member
I could write a novel about this; so I will, starting now.

I am not a member of any religion. I was raised in a very strict religion and, IMO, it caused me a lot of harm. I am, however, a student of the bible and I identify as a Christian. Do not presuppose any beliefs because of that. IMHO, churches have about as much in common with Christianity as NASCAR races have in common with commuting to work in the morning. Religions are man-made organizations, usually identified with a particular interpretation of a set of spiritual beliefs. When I became disillusioned with the religion I was raised in, I went back to the bible and read the passages about the founding of Christianity without the mindset of religious influence and I found that I derived a completely different meaning from this.

Christianity is about forgiveness, that is its chief characteristic.
[quote-MwC]I know a person excommunicated from Jehovah's Vitnesses. Rather gruesome treatment by a faith that preaches forgiveness. [/quote]
I've known people in that very situation and I'm appalled that anyone would shun to the degree that these people shun, even to the point of shunning family members.
hansdd said:
I'm new here, but not new with the porn battle. I'm an excommunicated Mormon and would very much like to become an active member again... I'm looking for an accountability partner.
I hop that you are able to achieve reinstatement in your faith. I know from several LDS friends that the Mormon community is very tight knit and I can only imagine that being deprived of all community connection is very painful.

Masturbation and Religious Guilt

There is no direct biblical condemnation of masturbation that I am aware of. My personal opinion is that masturbation is not good for a person and should be avoided. The reason os simply that masturbation can displace a healthy sex life with a partner.

I believe that God, as I understand Him, is "sex positive"; He invented it. They are learning more and more about sexuality and sexual anatomy all the time. The clitoris, an organ that only functions to facilitate sexual pleasure, turns out to be much more complex than was ever imagined. As it turns out, this organ is much larger and more encompassing than casual observation would reveal, and it branches downward, somewhat in the shape of a wishbone which straddles the vagina. If we are the product of an intelligent Creator, which is how I see things, then that creator went to a lot of work to make sex pleasurable, for both genders.

The bible does condemn fornication, although there is disagreement as to the meaning of that word. Strictly speaking, the root word from which it is derived refers to prostitution. One thing I will say is that establishing a durable relationship with a monogamous partner has real advantages. The risk of disease in such a situation becomes quite close to zero. If children are conceived in a lasting relationship there is a much better chance that those children will be raised in a two-parent home and reap benefits with regard to financial security, not to mention the invaluable benefit of having two parents resent during their formative years. Boys need both a mom and a dad, so do girls. A girl raised without a father may have very real problems when it comes to forming solid relationships with the men in their lives. Boys need a father to serve as an example of masculine behavior.

I'm fine with all of the above, but I add that this has to be tempered with a sense of realism. People don't always do everything perfectly and everyone should be treated with respect, understanding and support. Derision does little to help anyone. 

Religion and Shame About Sex in General

Nothing tastes as sweet as forbidden fruit; nothing! I think that much of my masturbation problem was rooted in shame. Because of shame, a healthy, natural, interest in sex on my part felt much more exciting than it had too have felt. This excitement was the rood cause of 43 years spent chronically masturbating. Since beginning the reboot I have totally redrawn my relationship with sexuality. Sexuality, IMO, is a Divine gift and I am truly thankful to be able to say that even as I enter my 60s I have a strong sex drive, good erections and a healthy interest in sex. I deserve nothing less and intend to be sexually viable for a long time to come. If you met me in person there'd be no doubt on your part that I can accomplish this. I'm not a prefect physical specimen, but I exude health and confidence. I consider that my newfound attitudes about sex are a big part of this. For those of you interested in the bible, keep in mind that Abraham was nearly 100 when he became father to Isaac. Hey, if I can still plant my seed at 100 years of age I'd be thrilled. But, much more importantly, what does it tell you when one of the foundations of a major system of beliefs was making babies at a ripe old age? It doesn't sound like the work of a sex negative God to me.

I believe, and I believe strongly, that sex is a gift and meant to be enjoyed. That, IMO, does not mean being enjoyed without restraint; because that can lead to harmful consequences, but used wisely, sex can be a wonderful aspect of life, even if you profess to be a person of great Godly devotion.

Guilt and Pornography

Quite simply, in the absence of guilt, pornography ceases to function. I used to be triggered by almost anything even remotely sexual in nature. Nowadays I seem to not be triggered easily at all. I avoid porn, which for my purposes is material created only to cause sexual excitement, and I have found that a nude scene in an R-rated movie has little, if any, effect upon me. I don't desire to see explicit depictions of sexual intercourse and don't seek out such materials, they are uninteresting at best, repulsive at the worst. This is a quantum shift from my earlier point of view which held that any sexual content whatsoever, made a movie porn and therefore bad and therefore exciting to watch.

One of the most important parts of my recovery is accepting that sex has a place in life and is not dirty or to be enjoyed only in very limited amounts. With this mindset I see that sex does not make a movie into porn, anymore than a friendly slap on the shoulder between friends would constitute film violence. Ultimately, porn is all in your head and, if you are deeply influenced by the religious opinions of others you may find that you see some fairly innocuous stuff as being pornographic.

Final Thoughts

Organized religion has gotten more than a few black eyes, of late. IMHO, this is, for the most part, caused by people that have used religion as a pretext to air their own views. Some people at church are living examples of Christianity while others are examples of religion at its worst. Jesus was born into the culture and religion of the nation of Israel; yet his actions drew a lot of criticism from the clergy of that world. I see him as a perfect example of the conflict between Godly devotion and organized religion.

Whether or not you you agree with my viewpoint regarding a Higher Power, please do not lump me into the same group as all churchgoing people. If I belong to any religion it is a religion with a membership of one.
After a slow start this is picking up!

For a different view. Man was not created, he has evolved. Sex and porn must be seen in the perspective of our evolution and science if you are looking for answers. The problem at hand is that our society is developing to fast and our brain is exposed to sensations it was not designed to handle. Enjoying sex increases changes for producing offspring... That's why we like sex. That's why it is enjoyable. Porn just hijacks this.

People believing in god certainly can decide for them self what they thing their god will mean about sex and porn. I would guess there is few clues in the bible.

And noise... Change therapist, to refer to the bible is not the job of an educated psychologist. There are priests for that, not that I recommend that  as you might have guessed:)
Ite, everything you said was spot on perfect. I can't wait until I view porn with the repulsiveness you do. By the way, 600 days! Congrats!


Active Member
I'm not sure I would ever want to get to a point of being repulsed by porn! I can be repulsed by what it leads to, by the exploitation, the inhumanity, the harm and the deadness it engenders but I would be repulsed by people to be repulsed by porn. To my mind people are still created souls, however they have chosen to appear, what ever they have done with their bodies,matey are sentient, spiritual human beings. It was BECAUSE of that I became aware of how my using porn was abusing them constantly, no matter what life choices they had made.

My view of creation may not be quite the same as HSs but I too am a Christian. I'm more than happy to accept Evolution but understand some Christians are not. I note also that masturbation exists in other higher primates.