Well-Known Member
I'm at 15 days so far. No morning wood yet.
sci90 said:I have PIED and after 3 months with several relapses about once to twice a week i got my morning wood back.
The day after a relapse I don't get morning woods which is quite obvious. At day 3 it always starts to
be better. But during masturbating without porn I can't still get a full erection.
By the way, I startet when I was 11 years old and I am addicted for about 7 years now (with PMO 1-2 times a day before reboot).
andyjee86 said:Whilst I got erections back after 3 month or so... Frequent and hard MW not till at least 7 month... I had severe PIED with weak erections to porn. Hope this helps.
andyjee86 said:Yes completely. Libido was gone, started coming back slowly after 3 months but was temporary and too much sex too soon set me back... It's only recently that sex has started feeling really like full on arousal.
andyjee86 said:Never considered venous leak, but I had thought I may have a physical complication. I'm not a doc so can't rule anything out for you... All I can say is that it's incredible how quick (in the scheme of things) the brain can heal. You must give it time though. I hadn't had MW for over 10 years. I'd forgotten what it felt like, I just assumed at my age it didn't happen anymore. What kept me going was a determination to fix my life, satisfy my new love, be a better person in the sack and life in general, plus a realisation that PMO had destroyed over half my life, it was no longer an option and really was not benefiting me at all. Like a lot of guys here I switched my PMO habits for exercise and fitness... Looking better, feeling fitter, interacting with people and noticing physical changes in your physique is great for your self esteem and takes your mind off the PMO. Hope this helps.
Starlord said:My doctor suggested so I tried with cialis nothing worked for me and had disappointed night time...
8radishes said:For what it's worth, I have ED (supposedly PIED), and I get morning wood almost every day.
scorpion1386 said:Your ED must not be as serious as mine because mine literally shrunk and stays flaccid. Are you in a flatline?
Reboot_Dude said:I'm roughly three months in, I rarely get morning wood, but then I usually drift awake, dozing for ages and awake long before my alarm goes off. However, almost routinely I wake at around 4am absolutely rock solid and it doesn't go down for a very long time. Then I usually just drift along until it's time to get up and it's long subsided.
Im pretty sure I didn't encounter these super night boners until about a month and a bit into the reboot. I don't remember being like this when I was PMOing.