Very new, really glad I found this site


I posted my "story" yesterday in the PIED forum, figured I throw it in here and start a journal.


I felt a huge relief when I stumbled onto this site (and others) regarding porn-induced ED. And that happened about 2 hours ago and I've been reading up on the subject ever since. I had no idea this was a real affliction (not sure what else to call it) that affected other men. But after reading awhile I realized it is exactly what I have been dealing with, and it's a huge relief knowing I'm not alone and it is a legit issue. It's been one of the most awful things I have ever dealt with in my life.

I felt compelled to share my little story, I'm not sure if anyone can relate. At the very least I get it off my chest.

I'm 35 years old, married for 12 years. The majority of my marriage, we had a normal, healthy sex life. Regular sex, no performance issues at all. About 2 - 2.5 years ago my wife and I started having major relationship issues. These issue led us to sleeping in separate beds and nearly zero intimacy. We were basically roommates.

In turn I started watching porn and masturbating more and more. What started out at maybe 3-4 times a week, grew and grew. Before long I was exhibiting all the signs frequently described: changing "genres", increased time watching/masturbating and with more and more frequency.

Towards the end of this period, I was spending a large portion of the day watching porn and masturbating. A ridiculous amount of time I wasted on it. I had become addicted to it. I never masturbated unless I was watching/reading some type of porn. What started as something I did to fill the hole my lack of sex w/ my wife created, grew into a full blown addiction. I didn't even recognize it until...

A couple months ago my wife and I began to grow closer again. We worked out some of the issues that had caused us to grow apart.  We started to sleep in the same bed again and both felt a strong desire to start having sex again. And then came the horrifying realization; I couldn't get it up.

At all. Nothing, zero, zilch. She was certainly very ready and I was showing zero signs. I had never in my life had this problem before. The first time this happened it stung my ego and pride bad. Really bad. I was angry and humiliated. We both chalked it up to us not being together for a long time and I tried not to focus on it, even though it was gnawing at me.

Then maybe 4-5 days later we tried again and same thing. She was trying everything possible and zero results.  Once I started to realize it may not happen, then the negativity sets in, and it just snowballs. A huge flood of very strong emotions poured over me. A ton of anger, humiliation, name it. A lot of questions ran through my mind...what the hell is wrong with me? this permanent? Then of course she had the understandable reaction that there's something wrong with her. So not only do I feel like absolute crap, I have to assure her that it's not her fault. It was terrible.

I started to think what could be the problem and how do I fix it. I realized the porn/masturbation issue might be at the heart of this but didn't put too much stock into it. I started to wonder if it was something physical and considered getting some ED pills.

Another week or so passed, we tried again. Basically the same results, I was able to get a little bit more function than the previous time but it certainly wasn't close to 100%.  The awful feelings and questions continued to build. It is really hard to describe how awful the feeling is when you can't perform.

Out of desperation we then had a very open and honest conversation. I told her that while we were "apart" I had been watching a lot of porn and masturbating. She made the link sooner than I did and said that because that is how I had become accustomed to getting off, that being with her was foreign to my brain. She said it would take some time to get things back in order and made me promise her not to watch any porn or masturbate. I agreed.

So that's where we stand. That happened 3 days ago. I haven't watched any porn or masturbated since then. Honestly, it's tough keeping that promise. I find myself skirting the edge of that a little, looking at stuff that has women in it/on it, but no nudity or porn per say. I haven't masturbated and honestly don't feel a big desire to. Regarding the porn, for me it was always the build-up that was more exciting to me than the actual climax. If that makes any sense.

So, sorry for the long read but like I said, I'm so glad I found these sites and really needed to get that off my chest.

At this point I guess I'll just follow through on the no porn and masturbating thing for the near future. If anyone has any other tips, please throw them my way.


So, last time I actually PMO was Sunday 7/5/14...and even that was a solid sign I have PIED, I was watching some shitty softcore movie on cable tv and had a weak orgasm without even getting completely hard. I know if I had doing what I normally do, which is surf porn on the web for hours, I would have been rock hard and had a strong orgasm.

Today 7/11/14 I actually had fairly decent morning wood (maybe 70%), atleast the best I've had in awhile, so I think that's a good sign.

I plan on completely abstaining from the PMO for the near future, and so far I've been successful and it hasn't been much of an issue. Even though it's only been 5 days, that's way longer than I have gone in years. These sites about porn addiction have helped alot to fill the time I would normally be PMO.

It's been very helpful realizing what my problem is, that it is curable, and there others experiencing it as well.

Don't really have a timeframe on this process, just kind of seeing where it takes me. Sex with the wife, I plan on holding back on, kind of just seeing where that takes me as well.

So if anyone has any tips or comments please don't hesitate!
Each of us will be different. But to give you some kind of gauge, I'd had the PMO habit almost daily for the last 2-1/2 years or so. PIED kinda started somewhere around a year ago. I'm about 10 years older than you and not in a relationship.

When I started my reboot, I'd say I went straight into the flatline for about 2 weeks before morning wood started to appear. Around day 20 it was substantial, almost to the point where I could use it to drive nails. It was about that day that I had an O in the shower after just a very little M... which was kinda like would happen back when I was a teenager. So it was around 20 days of no PMO and no MO before my natural juices started flowing. I'm nearing 30 days and haven't yet had the opportunity to really check the PIED situation.

Of course, your results and your circumstances will vary.

I'm glad to hear that your wife is very understanding and that this relationship is in recovery.

She said it would take some time to get things back in order and made me promise her not to watch any porn or masturbate. I agreed.

More than that... make the promise to YOURSELF! This isn't just an obligation to try to make your wife happy. This PMO is something you want to get out of your life to save your time, rebuild your mojo, and get back to even hotter, better real-life sex than you've ever had before. So this is something that YOU really need to want for YOURSELF as well as for your wife. And when you get that part of you right, use it in the way that will give her exactly what she wants.

In the meantime, keep working on building a better relationship with your wife in every other way, and I predict the bedroom action will be back before you know it.


Needs Coffee said:
Each of us will be different. But to give you some kind of gauge, I'd had the PMO habit almost daily for the last 2-1/2 years or so. PIED kinda started somewhere around a year ago. I'm about 10 years older than you and not in a relationship.

When I started my reboot, I'd say I went straight into the flatline for about 2 weeks before morning wood started to appear. Around day 20 it was substantial, almost to the point where I could use it to drive nails. It was about that day that I had an O in the shower after just a very little M... which was kinda like would happen back when I was a teenager. So it was around 20 days of no PMO and no MO before my natural juices started flowing. I'm nearing 30 days and haven't yet had the opportunity to really check the PIED situation.

Of course, your results and your circumstances will vary.

I'm glad to hear that your wife is very understanding and that this relationship is in recovery.

She said it would take some time to get things back in order and made me promise her not to watch any porn or masturbate. I agreed.

More than that... make the promise to YOURSELF! This isn't just an obligation to try to make your wife happy. This PMO is something you want to get out of your life to save your time, rebuild your mojo, and get back to even hotter, better real-life sex than you've ever had before. So this is something that YOU really need to want for YOURSELF as well as for your wife. And when you get that part of you right, use it in the way that will give her exactly what she wants.

In the meantime, keep working on building a better relationship with your wife in every other way, and I predict the bedroom action will be back before you know it.

Thanks for comment and I agree.

I haven't really seen any noticeable progress yet, but its been about 12 days so maybe I'm being a bit impatient. There has been a couple rough days (including today) where I've had really strong urges to go back to the old habits but so far I've stuck with it.
