My Journal (Arkray)


Wow, we've all be staying at home for over 6 months now.
I don't have much issue staying indoors, I'm more of a homebody anyway, but it certainly means more hours in front of the computer than I'd like.
Stay strong folks!


Recently I was thinking about whether I learned anything from rebooting, whether it's about me or about rebooting.

The first and obvious one is, this is hard. This is a process. You have to bite down hard to get yourself away from all that crap. And it is so easy to fall off the wagon. It's so easy to make excuses for not keeping up.

You will fail multiple times. I have failed multiple times. You can only get up, put it behind you and try again. Wallowing in self pity, which I've done many times, only wastes time.

I started to see how "sex sells" in everything. It's really quite insane. I've become sensitive to possible triggers, and I really started to notice things in ways like, "Hey, there is no way that lady needs to be in that outfit, and/or doing that, other than to perk up the male viewers." It bothers me a great deal, and it's given me a new perspective of the lengths businesses will go to sell their products.

It doesn't have to be actual porn for it to be porn.

Sex and masturbation is never the issue. It's okay to be a sexual person who enjoys sex and masturbation. That's part of having a healthy sex life, and it's important. But it's how you treat and how you pursue sex, sex-substitutes and masturbation that's the problem. Super easy access to internet porn has made us treat sexual pleasure like it's "grab-and-go" and "disposable" from a convenient store.