Just getting started


Active Member
I just started reading Your Brain On Porn Sunday the 23rd. I used porn right after I bought it-before I started reading it! I guess that's like an alcoholic having one last drunk before going AA.

I have been porn-free since Monday the 24th. Starting this Monday I have begun keeping a journal on my computer. It has been helpful recounting how my porn use started in my teens and ebbed and waned through the next forty+ years. In addition to the many physical effects of porn addiction, my porn use was very contrary to my Buddhist beliefs. This led to a great deal of disgust and frustration.

Even if going porn-free only eliminates the guilt and shame, it will be worth it. Physical recovery would be a nice bonus.

Reading the articles on the YBOP website and the Reboot Nation forums has been very informative and encouraging. I look forward to being a member of this community.  :)