Question about no fap


Well-Known Member
Hello, I just had a question about nofap and porn. Should I avoid masturbation during the 90 day reboot? Can I resume masturbation after 90 days? I know it's different for everyone, but how often is healthy or normal? I don't have a partner to have sex with, and probably won't have someone for a while, so should I wait until after my 90 day reboot before masturbation? Or should masturbating just be avoided altogether and just wait until I have real sex instead?


Active Member
Well, I am still pretty new on here, but from what I gather the main point of a reboot is to avoid all forms of digital sexual stimulation for 90 days. I believe the masturbation part is up to you. Myself, I am just on day 12 of my reboot and while I don't have a tremendous urge to M, if someday I find it unavoidable, I will do it without the stimulation of porn. For me it would be amazing to go 90 days without M, considering that even at age 66 I was M'ing several times a week, and so zero M is my goal.

If I'm wrong about any of this, I'm sure a more experienced member will chime in.