

Active Member
As a PA seeking advice to help my partner, I hope I have not sabotaged this safe zone for partners or contributed to the recent posts regarding signing off. I will limit myself to the PA arena from now on.

I apologize if I have been part of the problem, and wish everyone the best!


I really don't think you have been. Talking just for myself I haven't had a problem with any of your posts or your requests for help and I was very honored that you shared you letter to your wife with us.


Staff member
You have not contributed to any unease on my part.  What you are doing is one of the reasons this area exists.  You have been kind in your posts and truthful as well.  Thank you for letting us be part of your recovery and trusting us enough to share.


Respected Member
I appreciate your posting very much even if I don't comment all the time. Honestly, and this is just my personal opinion< I like when men post here. I like hearing all the different perspectives. It really helps me process. I have posted questions in the other forums from time to time and I have found that the conversation doesn't go very far sadly. I feel like I don't get a lot of response in those forums but I do really appreciate the perspective of the PA when I am processing and trying to understand. SO with that in mind when you post here I appreciate it very much. Thank you!


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback. The last thing I'd want to do is make anyone uncomfortable here. It's a shame that some people are sending inappropriate Pm's and leading others to leave.

As long as I'm not doing any harm I'd like to participate in this forum. It helps me very much see the situation from a partner's point of view. I know everyone's situations and responses are different, but the feedback I have received has been most helpful.

I hope I contribute to others as well as receive help.


Staff member
Hey, post away and ask away.  We are all on reboot to help each other!