Self Destruction

Don't know if it's a good thing or not to find out I'm not the only porn junkie out there. ;)

Being my first journal, here is my story.  And it's a pretty damn scary one.

While a decent looking smart teenage boy in about 1976 I first discovered porn magazines at a local store.  Even though I wasn't old enough to buy them, they didn't care.  I could buy all I wanted.  I still remember a layout called Roller Babies.  Featured lesbians on the roller derby rink.  Anyways, it became apparent pretty quickly it was a whole lot easier to get out the mags and take care of things myself than to work at getting a woman.

After high school it was off to the Navy.  It's amazing what salt peter in the food can do. Ha!

In the Navy in San Diego was a pornsters dream.  Still it was mostly magazines.  I liked the big women with large boobs.  Gent was my favorite.  Well before too long the regular magazines weren't enough.  Keep in mind Al hadn't invented the internet yet, so I started going to the porn store.  Wow!  There was some really cool stuff in there.

After three and a half years in San Diego with very little opportunity to meet women, let alone spend time with them, I'd become quite familiar with my hand and porn mags.

After the Navy it was off to college.  Now here there were a lot of women available.  And I took advantage of the situation.  However, my well used magazine collection made the move from San Diego with me.  And yes, I used em.  But by now they were not getting the job done.  Then I discovered a porn movie theater in town.  And a couple of nights a week I would hope on my bicycle and go watch. 

Well, no harm no foul yet.  Married right after college, a good sex life with wife.  Well, maybe not.  She worked nights and there was a video store just a couple of blocks away.  Yes, you got it.  From renting one movie a week to a couple of movies several times a week I headed down that path.  That's also when I started having sexual affairs with other women.

Well, I'm not going to bore you with all that.  But here I am 30 years later.  I've had countless pmo sessions.  In the later years it may last for hours.  And it gave less and less pleasure.  I'd graduated to the video booth at the porn store where I started doing things with other guys.  I've gone from good tame porn to extreme stuff including needing a big dose of gay and/or tranny stuff (I really don't think I'm gay).  I've had several affairs with other women.  I've met up with numerous guys met on Craigslist.  I've had a semi-regular thing going with a transvestite.  But it was never any good or enough. 

I've lost a wife and two good girlfriends because I couldn't stop.  I didn't want to stop.  I performed poorly at work because I would watch porn at the office during the day.  I would go back to the office at night and pretend to work, but actually watched more porn.  I've lost a couple of jobs because I couldn't control myself.

I've had PIED for a few years and just kept on with it. I didn't know what it was, but I sure suspected it.

I've been a horrible person and am disgusted with myself and my behavior.  And just four days ago lost a beautiful caring woman because she couldn't take it any more.  And I can't ask her for forgiveness again because I know I can't be trusted and don't deserve it.

But I am going to try to get myself together and get better.  I really am.


Active Member
Hi Hottspringss

Glad to have you here! Over time you will find this is the best place to be.
Here you can speak your mind.
You can say what you want, within limits of course.
Here you can and will find that there are more apart from you having the same kind of struggle.
Your story may differ from another. But the main core of it is the same.
The challenges are the same, what you will do with it is what matters.

It is the same dessert just with another sauce.

You have taken the first steps and I am glad that I'm the first to congratulate you on it here on Reboot Nation.
You can and will make it.

Stay strong and believe in yourself.
A few years ago I had the opportunity of a lifetime.  For years, many many years, I've love looking at bbw porn.  Big women with huge breasts.  Not just big, but huge.  And large butts.  That was the stuff for me.

Then I found myself with a women that fit that description.  And she was smart and very good looking and could carry on a conversation.  And as I found out, she had a wild side.

But no, it wasn't to be.  It wasn't happening.  When it came time, I couldn't do it. 

That was my first sign that I had a problem.  I hadn't heard the term PIED, but now know it's exactly what it was.  And of course it ruined that relationship.

And of course when I had the opportunity with another attractive lady, Boom!, it happened again.  So I retreated to my cyberworld and stayed there for years.

If I only knew then what I know now.  What a waste of years.

But I'm getting it out of my system so I can move forward.  I will beat it and be a better man.
I'm a complete f***ing mess.  Visions and thoughts of all the stupid crap I've done over the years keep flashing into my mind.  I can't focus.  I'm so nervous I think I'm going to explode.

Last night I watched the old movie Slap Shot.  The scene where Newman is in bed with the woman who's telling him of her lesbian escapades.  OMG!  That's Ralphie's mother.  And she's showing the most gorgeous boobs.  Ralphie's mom is a hot lesbian with gorgeous boobs.

It was the jackpot.  But my mind brought on a huge wave of guilt (or something) and I couldn't (didn't) watch.  Certainly didn't watch like I would have just a week or so ago.

Oh, I'm a sick puppy. 
A few years back I stared finding sex partners on AOL chatrooms, then Craigslist.  I thought it was sex with real people.

Now I realize it was just an extension of PMO.  I didn't even know their names.

I've since termed it interactive porn.


Active Member
Hey Hottspringss, quite a story you have there.  I know it seems tough right now, but there are some things to keep in mind.  Many of us have similar stories and are finding sanity and happiness without PMO in our lives.  Some of us have lost wives/GFs over the same impulses you have had, the behaviors that followed are somewhat irrelevant, in terms of the losses of addiction does it really matter if you lost something from drinking beer or taking pills.  The losses are the same.  And the recovery is too.

Be honest with yourself and be honest with any new partner you find.  You have made a great start here -- and we all got your back.

Peace and Be Strong!


Active Member
Glad to see you are aware of the triggers and that you are taking the right actions regarding it.
You will see that this is the way to deal with the addiction.

Stay strong and be blessed!
More rambling on here.  Last night was tough.  And kind of weird.  Didn't really have the urge to pmo, but sure felt like I should be doing it.  Kind of weird I know.

My mind was full of sexual things and memories.  Was debating whether hooking up with someone on CL violated my no-fap goal.  Well of course it does.  I call it interactive porn.

Then I was thinking about rewarding myself after 30 days by visiting a friend that I know will do me in an instant.  Is that a violation?  And of course worrying that I would be able to do it at all.  I'm already scared thinking about my first after all this.

But what's really striking to me these past few days is the extreme objectification of women.  Man, any of them, all of them.  I find myself doing a quick assessment and judgment.  The boobs, the but, the hair style, the whatever.  Wow!  It's downright scary.  What a perv.

Anyways.  The ramblings of a long time addict looking at a new pathway. 
Much better night last night.  My boys came over for dinner and we had a good evening.

Then a late night text argument with the ex girlfriend.  I handled it much better than in the past.  She was her usual refusal to listen to anything self.  But I was much different.

While I did get mad as usual, I responded in a much more calm civil manner.  Instead of just clamming up I told her what was on my mind.  I answered her questions with a straight up forthrightness.  Though she didn't accept anything is ok.  I know.

And I've come to realize she was not just a facilitator, but a direct contributor.  It took a few days to sink in, but a few days ago she made the comment that she knew I had a problem.  But instead of trying to help me or make me get help she would bring out the ipad and make us watch porn together.

That's no different that pouring drinks into someone you know is an alcoholic.  But that's her problem now.  And boy it's just one of many.

I'm on my own road to recovery.  She has to make her own journey.  But I will no longer let her get me off the tracks.