The last thing you need to checkout for sucess


Hi all brothers and sisters,
Well recently i found out an amazing program which really helps so please check it out. I am not a advertiser and also request the sites owners to check it out. I dont know why but the process this man tony lister takes you from really works. He really helps to clear the mental rut that you are holding for years. You jist listen to the mp3's and you will get really free. You will explore so much about yourself that you have not known and living with false identity.

AND the best part for programs like these when other charges 10000 's  of dollars he doesnt charge anything. Yes you heard it right its absolutely free. And the link i am sharing isnt a affilate link or something .i am sharing it because of the same man who taught me when you pray for others in the road to recovery it helps you also. So please visit and join..its really helps..


Active Member
I felt a big improvement in my life - physically, soulfully and so on. But at the end of the day, I still wasn't stopping the PMO habit for more than a day or 2. Even if everything was great and I'd improved my life, PMO still has a pull. I didn't just use PMO to avoid negative things in my life, but I compulsively watched it even when I didn't want to - part of me was addicted! Perhaps curethecraving prepared me for finding this forum, where I've learned about attempting the hard90 - 90 days of no PMO or porn fantasy in the head, etc - which they say drowns the addicted part of the brain away and you're rebooted. Now that I've been strict with myself and gone 2 weeks without PMO, I realise how far from sobriety I was - it's hell to go through a day without PMO! While I was listening to the cure the craving mp3s, I felt positive, because you have a sense of self help and positivity, and i'd recommend it to everyone, but when it came to the PAIN of not doing a habit that i'd been using to avoid short term pain for 10 years, I still wasn't prepared for that. Now I'm going through a process of accepting that I need to accept the pain of urges and the depression of not using PMO whenever I want.

This is the William thread - - he actually argues that you should put all your efforts into 90 days of no PMO, so the habit has quietened down and you can then focus on the rest of your life. People on the forum argue different things, 'You should do both! Improve your life and attempt the hard90' or 'You should start with one and not the other!' Perhaps all the preparation wouldn't have prepared me for the pain of getting around to stopping a 10 year 'feel good' habit. I realise now how far I was from getting anywhere. So I'd recommend curethecraving to everyone but there was still a lot of work to do. It can only help.


You are right brother i read that forum and i agree with you. But tony never said that all these things will just take away the negative effects from you it is only possible when you want. Ultimately the decision is yours :) because if some day you are big and to be with your wife then you will not be able because everytime u will want to be intimate u will not be able to. So it is not possible that all the sexual feelings or urges will just go away and even if it does u will never be happy(as that makes us human). Socthe decision lies with you wheter u want it or leave it.

But by using tony's program u only have a upper hand by not going into it compulsively but can think even if a little but as you said thats true theres a lot of things we have to do but because  gives techniques and clears our mental ruts he helps in removing the urges and not doing it compulsivelyand giving us  power.


Active Member
Sure, I agree.

I don't think my response sounded as positive as I meant it to be. Tony covers so many good points. I really liked one week where he talks about the rest/ activity balance, and how we pound our adrenaline systems to keep going through the day - high on stress, violent news, high sugar foods and high octane entertainments. he got me into the idea of yoga and meditation, and probably so much more that I now take for granted. I think it prepared me for this forum and has increased my ability to do a long streak of sobriety.

Many people who find this forum come here because their equipment isn't working right and they want a quick fix solution, and hear the hard90 is the way to go. It's a hard addiction to give up, and fixing one's equipment may not be a deep enough motivation to get to a state of recovering from this addiction. They'll need to change their outlook, about life and sex. I know I have.